Chapter 18: Truth

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"23...24...25... Here I come!"  I waited in the darkness, conceded by the closed doors and the pots and pans that were stacked around me. Thanks to Evie I was pulled into a good spot this time. 

I tried to conceal even my breathing as I heard Adara run up the stairs, trying to find someone. The only other noise was the clattering of Evie setting up for our mealtime once the game was over. 

Father had taught us this game and was proud to see us  getting along. He never played with us though. I wish he would, but I kept my mouth shut and enjoyed the play time we did get. 

"Truth?" I heard Evie whisper. 


"Are you good down there?"

"Yep, kind of cozy." 

"Okay," She laughed before returning to her work. "Stay quiet." She reminded when she came close once again. Minutes had passed, and Evie had left to go work outside. I assured her that I would be okay. But now they darkness felt suffocation. 

"Evie?" I called out quietly. "Addie!" I called out louder. The pans blocked the door handle, and I wasn't sure how to get out alone. I felt warm tears dribble down to my chin and along my neck as I pulled myself into a tighter ball. 

I didn't care about losing anymore, I just wanted someone to find me. I just wanted to get out. My cries became louder as I sat in the dark, shaking. I felt cold yet burned at the same time. All different emotions. Why couldn't anyone hear me? 

Just then, the cabinet swung open and father bent down to my level. Peering over the pots, his blue eyes met mine. His face softened as he removed the stack cooking tools that were in the way. "What's wrong Truth?" He helped me out. His hand warm against mine. 

Father didn't usually high us very much but I needed to. My arms locked around his neck as he lifted me up. "I was alone." Father nodded, pressing a light kiss to the top of my head. 

"I'm here with you now. I always will be. You never have to worry..." There was a long pause as I sniffled and stained his shirt with my tears. "Because I will always find you." He carried me back to the bright dinning area where my siblings all sat laughing a talking. 

He brought me out of the dark spot. 

I awoke sweaty, the night was still prominent outside except for a few hints of blue through the clouds. Devices still beeped around me and the weight of the needles buried into my skin pulled me back to my reality. I was young in my dream, around six or seven. 

I had nearly forgotten of that game let alone specific moments from it. But that one came to me like the flashing signs that littered the streets of the city. "Ms.Geneve." A medical worker came in and greeted after knocking gently on the door. "You are leaving today. 

"Today?" I perked up a bit at those hopeful words.

"Yes. It says so on your schedule. We also had a call that it would be today." 

"It's quite late." I said, motioning out the window. 

"It has been requested that you will get picked up in an hour." I nodded, hoping everything was all right with Denver. It was a weird time to be picked up, but I didn't question it too hard as I ate the porridge they passed to me along with a piece of toast and juice. 

I left the tray next to my bed as the medical worker from before came in and worked on unhooking me from everything. Doing a few last scans and checks just to be certain. Was her explanation at least. "You're ready to leave." I thanked her as she exited the room. 

My body felt numb and light as I tried my best to walk around the room and change into the clothes they had given me. I also used the tablets they left in the wash room to clean my mouth up. I didn't bother showering, assuming I could do that when I reached Denver's home. 

I sat awkwardly at the end of my cot, fiddling with my fake ID. The only object I had with me. My head snapped up as the door opened once again this morning. The room brightened form the lights and opened windows from the hall. 

"It's time for you to go." A new medical worker move out of the way and ushered me out. I followed the signs over to the stairs where I walked myself to the entryway. 

"No sign out required." Assured the man working at the front. I nodded and walked past the sign out screens. All dinged green as I came by, letting the doors open for me. I paused outside in the cold air searching for a sign of Denver or Reeve.  

I went to reach for the cell device Denver had given me. "If you are looking for Denver. He won't be coming." My hands froze in my pockets as the weight of those words sunk in- no not just the words. But the voice itself. That's what had me frozen in place. Number than I felt when I was entered the medical facility. 

"What are you doing here?" I breathed as I turned around. 

"I think you know." Father held out his hand. He looked different, a scar ran down his forehead and he looked thinner. And older. I swallowed the hard lump in my throat but held my ground.

"Father." I began. "It's over." I expected him to drag me right then and there, but instead he laughed. His laugh seemed to shake the earth. 

"Oh Truth. When are you going to learn that nothing really ever ends. You may think you did something." I took a step back as he closed the distance between us. "But you will never stop me." I shook my head as the words settled into my mind. No, this wsn't where I was going. Denver would come and I would be back in the charming small home. Making a new life for myself. 

"I will never go back with you." Father's face didn't fall in the slightest. 

"Then we have no use for you. You can run for the rest of your life. But what happens when you get caught? Hm?" He added. "What happens when all your siblings are dead, and you realize what mistakes you made. I don't need  you Truth. But if you want to stay alive, you need me."

"That's not true." But wasn't it? 

"Fine, if this is how you want to do things. Then I won't waste my time." He began walking away when I stopped him. 

"The Trials are over." Father craned his head to look back at me. 

"Are they?" I furrowed my brows in question. "They've only just begun. And guess who's in the lead." My heart dropped in that moment. "So I will give you this option only once. Will you join me Truth?" Sirens blared in the distance. Father seemed to hear them too. His look said it all, come with me and live or leave and die. 

I walked over and took his warm hand in mine. "We finish the trials, then I leave." 


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Only took a year but I'm done!!!! This ends the first book in a series of three other books. Thank you for everyone who read this, weather you were here for the beginning or only just started, thank you! 

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