Chapter 10: Veronica

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Kyong didn't come to find me after the confrontation five days ago. I paused my writing. Had it really been that long since I had woken up here? The camp hasn't moved although I was aware of the tension that hung over the group at the fact that at any moment, someone from the House of Earth could come and find the camp. 

Find me. A girl named Alice came to me in the morning after my talk with Kyong. She stayed with me and filled me on the major stuff. I kept my mouth shut and didn't ask questions, to my surprise. She told me they were aware of one or more Earth children who were taken before they could reach them. Judging by the damage already done to the cells. 

The other kids they assumed were being held somewhere else, but she admitted that they couldn't get too close to the house. "We tried, but an explosion was set off by another group which made us hustle to get at least one of you out." I didn't ask her why they needed to save us, Alice seemed nice but it was clear that the information she gave was the only answer I was getting. 

I respected her for that. Two days ago she walked into my tent carrying a small leather book and a pencil. "I want you to write what you're comfortable sharing in the book about the time you spent in the House of Earth." She warned me not to lie and that if I didn't write anything then fine. 

I simply rolled my eyes at her comments. It hurt for them to put so much disdain behind their words when talking about my old home. It's not like I would go back, but it still hurt. The betrayal hurt the most. 

I wrote simple things like Zara and the schooling we would get. I wrote about my childhood and how we would all race downstairs when Evie yelled for food. But I hated writing about more recent events. I felt uncomfortable when Alice would read it in front of me, sometimes another person would be present other times she would simply take it away and return it after an hour. 

Yesterday she came in three times. In the evening she came in with it and threw it down onto the small hand-carved wooden table. that sat low in my tent. I was on my bed, my hand cramping from the amount of writing I had done. 

"I notice you never write about the trials."

"I don't know anything about them." Alice simply nodded. If she was annoyed with my lack of understanding then it didn't show. 

"No one told you anything about them or what to expect."

"only the basics." Alice nodded once again.

"Do you remember your family?" Alice tilted her head. 

"I was a baby so no." An emotion ticked in Alice. The corner of her lips lifted a bit into a snarl. 

"Do you want to try the truth?" I sat up sighing. Of course, they knew. 

"So what I was taken a bit later." I shrugged sitting up fully. "It's not that big of a deal." Alice grabbed something from the back of her jeans, a wrinkled newspaper appeared in her hand. Unrolling it, the title revealed New Advanced Phycological Test: A New Generation of People?

The familiar photo of tiny newborn babies was shown, each with their symbol marked on their heads. Alice pointed to 'me'.

"Who's this?"

I lied, "No idea." Alice groaned in frustration taking two steps toward where I sat. 

"Veronica, we're not your father or anyone working on the trials no consequences will come from you telling us who the baby in that photo is."

"How do you know it's not me?" 

"Because we've stolen data from a company who's been watching you. The earliest your records go is you at age seven and that's a medical record from one of your checkups."

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