Chapter 15: Adara

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Father had still not returned back from his trip. The days felt longer as I waited and waited in the empty manor. I occasionally saw workers outside the house, but most kept their distance away. As lonely as it felt, I still enjoyed the silence after the event that had occurred two nights ago. 

The paper was always on my mind. After receiving it I began asking questions about the other Earth children. As much as I wanted to believe Father, something told me he was involved. And after being in the dark for so long I wanted to be part of things again, I wanted to see the children I grew up with. 

But I waited too long. Father could be home any minute, and I had never broken any rules. I didn't have a clue about sneaking out let alone leaving the perimeter. Turning over in my bed my eyes landed on the dead screen that used to be Zara. I sat up immediately. 

"Zara?" I tried once more trying to wake the bot up. However the intruder got in was beyond me, but what if there were no traps to set off. Quickly throwing the covers off of me I ran down to the kitchens where the only windows in the house could open. They were too small for me to fit through, but surely the alarm system worked. I climbed the counters and reached for the handle slowly turning it. With a click, the window opened and a cool breeze fanned my face. 

"No way." SLiding open the next window, no sound. Then the next one and the other. Still no sound. Making my way over to the side door I unlocked and opened it. The same cool breeze filtered through. ANd still no alarm. No blaring lights. No workers rushed to drag me back into the home. It's a test. I thought. Father always did something for a reason. The thought is what made me stop. He's testing my loyalty. Seeing if I would follow my siblings in their rebellion.

But I wouldn't. Quickly copying the address on another piece of paper I slid my copy onto Father's desk before going down to the opened side door. He needed to know I was still loyal, but if anyone were in danger by me staying then I would risk it and go. 

The grounds looked perfectly trimmed as if it were a facade for the mess that had happened inside the family and their manor. A few servants went around doing work, not paying any mind to me. It seemed so easy. Just walking out and having no one even bat an eye. I made my way down the lawn, casually connecting my hands behind my back and inspecting the flowers and trees. I made sure to slow my breathing. Once I was off the lawn I purposely took the shortcut and headed for the schooling wing. Knowing no one would be working there.

The wall was now in sight and I felt the tension lift off my shoulders. Only a few more steps. "Adara!" A man's voice called out. Turning I saw a guard walking over. I claimed my breathing and quickly made up excuses in my head. "Where are you off to?" He asked when he reached me. "

"The house is very suffocating. I just wanted to take a walk." The man's voice lowered. 

"Stay near here."

"I will." But as the man turned his back I realized something. My eyes met with the guards that now stood everywhere, how did I not notice them before? But a better question would be how did the intruder get past them? I walked further and once again concealed myself through the overgrown shrubs before I took off running. 

I could hear footsteps pounding behind me, but I kept running. Once I reached the wall I went straight to the hole I had heard stories about. Not caring if the dirt got on my clothes or if my hair would be taken out of its neat plait. I stooped low to the ground and shimmied my way through. 

Once I was on the other side I ran, whipping my head around to watch out for anyone. But all I saw was the rushing forest behind me. Only hearing the shouts and thuds of guards. I ran straight not knowing where I was going. But I ran. I turned once more but slammed into something when I was turned. 

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