Chapter 5

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I was waiting for my parents to pick me up at the front of the Spanish institute's door, 5 minutes passed, 10 minutes, 15 minutes and they were nowhere to be found. I tried to call them 20 times but neither my father nor my mother answered me, I was about to worry but I thought that they may had a good reason to forget about me, so I decided to take a bus, I had money so that wasn't going to be a problem.

Walking to the bus stop I started thinking in what could have happened, a thought came to my mind and it became a good guess, Jude; since I remember Jude has been a problem for my family, my parents used to forget about me because they were too busy trying to fix the mess Jude made, it never bothered me before but I got used to get all my parents attention when Jude was away, and now it was bothering me.

When I got to the bus stop I felt someone touching my shoulder, I turned around and it was Leo.


"Hey, what are you still doing here?"; I asked him.

"I had to talk to the teacher, what about you?"

"I think my parents forgot about me, they won't return my calls so I guess I have to take the bus"

"Well, the next bus will take 15 minutes to arrive so let's get comfortable"; we sat at the bus stop and started talking about everything, we've been chatting for a while, but talking to him and getting to know his expressions was better than an emoji.

"How's your boyfriend?"; he surprised me with the question, I talked to him about Noah but for some reason I didn't talk to Noah about him, like if I was trying to hide something...

"Fine, we've been having some nonsense fights but, it's just the stress we've been going through to prepare everything for Oxford"

"Sounds great having the same dream and getting to prepare this thing together"

"Yes, I think so..."; I said with a half smile.

"Is he the love of your life?"

"What?"; the love of my life, that sounds a little bit serious; I mean, I would love being Noah's girlfriend for a long time but I'm not sure if it'll last forever.

"I don't know, we're young, we're not looking for commitments right now"

"But you love him..."

"Yeah, Noah is amazing"

"And are you in love?"

"What's the difference?"; this guy has deep thoughts. He looked me in the eyes like making sure I was really listening to him and started talking.

"You can love your family and your friends, but been in love is something deeper, is wanting to share the good and bad things, become a better person and love that change, he's special to you 'cause he makes you feel special, and no matter how long you've been together you still feel butterflies in your stomach every time you see him. Being in love is take care of a heart and soul like they're yours"


"That sounds beautiful"

"Yet painful"

"Have you ever been in love?"; Leo saw his shoes for two seconds until our eyes met again and, before he could say something, the bus arrived and we came back to real life.

"I guess we'll never know. Come on"; he took my hand and we got in the bus, after paying the ticket we searched for seats, I sat next to the window and Leo was next to me.

All the way to my stop we talked about homework and school, we kind of forgot about the love thing but I wasn't really looking to keep that conversation.

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