Chapter 6

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What color is your tie?



You can't use it


My aunt has problems with that color

She's like a bull, if she sees the color blue

she will get mad and start destroying everything

OMG really???? :0

Of course not, did you really believe it?


Then why can't I wear a blue tie? :|

Because I AM wearing a blue tie ;)

You're annoying

I'll use a green one then

I hope nobody has a problem with that color

Anyone with eyes has a problem with that color

Use a red one

It's Anni's favorite color

OK, thanks douchebag :)

Your welcome dipshit ;)

See you tonight...

I think that chatting with Jude is completely innocent. Is Anni aware of this?, not exactly, but she knows I talk with a friend when I don't reply to her messages right away. To be fair she talks to Leo all the time so I find my conversations with Jude innocents and family-friendly.

Anyway, it was Anni's birthday tonight and she was going to have a special dinner at her house with all of her family; of course I was nervous because as Anni's official boyfriend I needed to make a good first impression, I needed to demonstrate that I was good enough for her and that she was going to be safe with me in London.

I finished tying my shoes, because I got interrupted by Jude's text, and searched for a red tie in my closet, I couldn't find one so I went to my dad's bedroom to borrow one.

"Hey dad, can you let me a red tie please?"; I entered to the room and he was sitting on his bed smiling at his phone, the moment he noticed me he put the phone away, like hiding something, and gave me a little smile.

"Hey buddy, where are you going this handsome?"

"I told you I was going to Anni's birthday party, do you have a red tie?"

"Sure, it's in my closet"; I walked there and started searching.

"Is everything ok?"; I asked subtly, trying to find out what was going on with him.

"Of course, why are you asking?"

"I noticed you a little lost on your phone, more than usual"; I found the tie, I put it around my neck and I started with the knot.

"Just working, you know how things are at work"; I wasn't going to press him, I just hoped everything was fine.

"Ok. How do I look?"; I asked showing him the complete outfit.

"Handsome like your father"; we laughed and he stood up to give me a little hug.

I was ready just in time, I said good-bye to my dad, he gave me the same pep talk as every time I went out, I grabbed my keys and Anni's present and I made my way to her house.

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