Chapter 17

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I feel terrible

I woke up at 10 with a terrible hangover, I didn't know that drinking alcohol came with such terrible consequences, my head was killing me and all I wanted to do was to stay in bed and sleep. Last night was wild, but it was also one of the best nights I've ever had, I used to think that maybe I wasn't made for a social life with more than two friends, but maybe it can be possible.

Despite all the sunlight that was entering through my window, I was going to make myself comfortable and have a nap before lunch, but someone knocked at my door; with much regret I stood up and walked to my door. When I opened it I wasn't expecting at all who I saw; there was my mother standing with Leo next to her.

What is he doing here?!

I closed my door right away with a clearly scared face, I literally just woke up with a terrible hangover and I had to see my mother and Leo.

"Anni, ma chérie, is everything alright?"; no, not at all...

"Yes maman..."; I yelled, I didn't know what was happening but I couldn't let them stay outside, I tried to fix my hair a little bit and I had to ignore the fact that I was on my Star Wars pajamas before opening the door again. "Good morning"

"Anni, belle, are you feeling fine?"; why is she asking?

"Fine? Yes, why would I...?"

"I told her about all the hamburgers you ate last night and the stomachache you were having"; I'm not sure if Leo is really smart or just an idiot but I played along.

"Yeah, my stomachache because I ate a lot of hamburgers, I'm better maman, I'm just a little bit tired"

"That's great ma chérie. Well Leo came here to check on you, I guess you want to talk alone so I will go and check on Nini at the kitchen"; my mother left and I let Leo enter to my bedroom, I closed the door and he was already sat on my bed.

Why do I feel a Dejá vu...?

"So how are you really feeling?"; he asked.

"Like shit"; I sat in front of him. It wasn't until that moment that I noticed the bag he brought, he took out a few things and talked to me again.

"I brought this for you"; he gave me a pill for my head, a bottle of water and a bar of chocolate.

"Thanks"; I accepted the things he handed me and smiled at him. I took the pill, drank lots of water and shared the chocolate with him.

"So, do you remember what happened last night?"; he asked a bit shy.

Yes, I remember... Oh, shit I remember

I got really nervous, I didn't know what to say or what Leo was expecting to hear, my head just exploded.

"Yes... I'm so sorry for what happened, I was drunk and I know that's not an excuse but if I made you feel uncomfortable I'm really sorry, I didn't want to..."; everything happened so fast but felt so slow at the same time, Leo grabbed my cheeks and made me shut with a sweet and soft kiss, I smiled on his lips and continued the kiss putting my hand behind his neck.

At that point I couldn't think about anything else but Leo, I never though a kiss could feel like this and I realized how bad I wanted it, his kiss. We finally broke the kiss and we looked at each other, I looked at those beautiful eyes and the moment just felt right.

"I hope you're not mad because I interrupted you"

"You can interrupt me like that whenever you want"; I got closer to him and started the kiss again, this time a bit faster and deep, we got caught in the moment and forgot about everything, after some minutes we broke apart to breathe; I was happy at that moment.

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