Chapter 24

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"Two wrongs make no right. When it's left, at least we tried
I'll be back tonight . I'll let you decide.
To leave my life outside. Leave my life outside.
Leave my life outside. Or let me in, or let me in"

I was listening to music waiting for my Spanish teacher to arrive to the class, my other classmates were talking and laughing, but I was thinking about my plan, today was finally the day and I was going to fix everything with Leo. Between visits to the hospital, end of semester tests and the holidays being so close I haven't had the head to talk to Leo, I was trying my best to start a conversation but he was still mad, he used to say 'hi' at the start of each class but ignore me when I tried to make conversation.

Anyway, today was the day, and I had a really good plan to make him talk to me again. He arrived and sat next to me, I took off my headphones and said hi to him.

"Hi.."; I said smiling and with eyes full of hope.

"Good afternoon"; he said without even looking at me, he sat and got lost in his phone. It was my time to use plan A.

"I broke up with Noah..."; I omitted the cheating and the coma part because I didn't want him to think I was playing the victim.

"Ok..."; he said keeping his eyes on his eyes.

"He actually broke up with me, he said we were together out of habit and, I realized it was true..."

"Anni, why are you telling me this?"; he finally looked at me with dark tired eyes, I missed his sweet eyes. "Being honest this is the last thing I would like to talk about and I don't know why are you bringing it up right now"

"I want to fix this and I want you to forgive me for what I did"; he laughed with irony and rolled his eyes.

"So, you're just doing it to feel better about yourself and take off the guilt"

"I'm doing it because I miss you and I'm sorry for breaking your heart"; he took his eyes off of me and stared at a point in the room. "Leo I..."; I couldn't finish because the teacher entered to the classroom and started the class.

It was time to use plan B.

"Bueno estudiantes, tenían como tarea escribir una pequeña narración con todos los elementos que aprendimos en todo el semestre. Hay alguien que quisiera pasar a leer su narración? (Well students, you had the task of writing a short story with all the elements we learned throughout the semester. Is there anyone who would like to read their homework?)"; the teacher said, Leo needed to listen to me so I raised my hand. "Anni, puedes pasar al frente (Anni, you can come to the front)"

I walked to the front of the class with my notebook and started reading hoping Leo would understand every word.

"Hace tres meses, pensé en ti, recordé la primera vez que me saludaste y tu manera inocente de pedirme el teléfono. Hace dos meses, pensé en ti, recordé las charlas casuales y los chistes que nos enviábamos por mensaje, tus sabios concejos y tu manera dulce de hablarme. Hace cuatro semanas, pensé en ti, en la seguridad que sentía a tu lado, los besos tiernos que compartimos y cuando me mostraste ese atardecer, y me dijiste que no había nada mas hermoso que yo. Hace dos semanas pensé en ti, en cuánto daño te hice y lo mal que me sentí por eso. Ayer pensé en ti, porque desde que te conocí no he parado de pensar en ti, en todo lo que amo y lo mucho que te extraño, porque entenderé que hoy no quieras pensar en mí, pero mañana yo pensaré en ti, porque descuidé tu corazón, pero tu siempre tendrás el mío.

(Three months ago, I thought of you, I remembered the first time you greeted me and your innocent way of asking for my phone number. Two months ago, I thought of you, I remembered the casual chats and jokes we used to text each other, your wise advice and your sweet way of talking to me. Four weeks ago, I thought of you, the security I felt by your side, the tender kisses we shared and when you showed me that sunset, and told me there was nothing more beautiful than me. Two weeks ago I thought of you, how much I hurt you and how bad I felt about it. Yesterday, I thought of you, because since I met you I have not stopped thinking of you, of everything I love and how much I miss you, because I will understand that today you do not want to think of me, but tomorrow I will think of you, because I neglected your heart, but you'll always have mine)"

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