Chapter 12

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After work I decided to walk home so I could have fresh air and think about life, I remembered my talk with Jude but I also remembered my dad's date; I thought about Anni and Andrew, we should hang out more; I thought about Anni and me, we should have a date like we used to and my dad should meet her as my official girlfriend, I told him about my relationship with Anni but because he was working all the time it was difficult to have Anni in home while my dad was there too.

I also remembered college, the admission test was going to be soon and I had to study, I thought about my school tests too and that I should focus on that, I remembered that tomorrow I have my first lesson with Jude and Tuesday I have to present a project. After all I regretted having time to think because all the stress and the anxiety of having everything ready came to my mind.

When I got home I told my dad I was going to my room to study, but when I got there I felt the need to draw; I used to draw all the time but when I started high school, I started to think about college, and forgot about that, but after talking to Jude I decided to do it again and learned how to reduce my stress with it.

I put on my pajamas and grabbed my sketch notebook, I made myself comfortable on my bed and grabbed my pencil; I was starting with a new draft when my dad entered to my room surprising me and making me stop everything I was doing, I kind of hide my notebook behind me and sat on my bed.

"Hey son, would you like some coffee..."; he stopped talking when he noticed I was clearly hiding something from him. "I thought you were studying"; he said a bit serious.

"Yeah, I wanted to relax a little before that"; I said quite nervous.

"Were you drawing again?"; I stayed silent for some seconds trying to think of something to say. "Noah"

"Dad I was trying to relax..."; I said surrendering and telling the truth.

"Noah we talked about this, it was fun before but now you need to focus and work hard for your future!"

"I don't understand why I can't do this for fun, I know what your plan for my life is and I've been working my whole life for that but..."

"Wait! My plan for your life?!"; I shouldn't have said that. "We planned this together, we talked about it and you wanted to do it because your mom's dream was for his son to study in Oxford and be the best doctor in the world"

"I know that, and I know I'm doing this for us and mom, but that doesn't mean I can't have time for myself and relax doing what I like"

"You know I'm not doing this because I don't want you to relax, it's because we already had a fight about this and you know you can't make a living with drawings, right now you have to focus on Oxford, your biology grades and only that"

I hated this, I remembered last year's fight when I tried to tell him I wanted to study Fine arts and be an artist, it took him two minutes to crash my dreams saying it wasn't worth it and that I was going to live under a bridge.

"You're right, I'll start studying right now"; I said whet he wanted to listen because I wasn't in the mood for fighting.

"Come here buddy"; he hold me in a hug and continued talking; "Mom must be really proud of you"

I will always try to make her feel proud, as much as I hate to say it he was right, I had a plan and I needed to stick to that plan, I will enter to Oxford with Anni, we will graduate and be successful doctors, have a life together and live 'happily ever after'.


When I got to the cafeteria I saw Andrew and I sat next to him, we started to talk and he noticed I was in a better mood; I admit that after talking to Leo I felt better and capable to talk to Noah and Andrew without any drama. Of course I didn't talk about my weekend with Andrew because I wasn't sure if he was going to be able to keep it as a secret, so I just told him about my conversation with Jude and how great my day was going.

Broken heartsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon