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What happened next was less dramatic and kind of boring, I won't bog you down with the details but:

First of all, you'll be glad to hear that after one week in the hospital and a lot of visits from my 'special' nurses, I got out with a cool hair cut, a badass scar and, finally, mental stability. At the end, maybe the accident was the best thing that's ever happened to me, I'm not proud of having to be between life and death to realize how short life can be, but thanks to that my perspective changed and I've never been so excited to live.

The holidays were amazing, between the trip to London with Anni and Andrew, and Christmas with Carol and dad, December flew by. 

I felt glad to have that trip with my bestfriends, Anni and I got to explain everything to Andrew, at first he was mad about all the lies but his anger didn't last long, we apologized for the hell we made him live and fixed everything, we went back to be the three musketeers and it was awesome, we swore to stick together after the graduation and I knew we were going to keep that promise.

Spending Christmas with Carol was better that I thought, I finally took the time to get to know her and I knew she was going to make my dad happy. They finally talked to me about their relationship and felt relieved when I said I was happy for them, between food and laughs, Christmas at home stooped being sad for us.

In other news, I got in!!! I was going to go to Oxford for the Fine art course and I was really excited for that. I talked to dad about it and I decided I was going to do what I love and be successful for myself, he took it very well and even helped me with all the paper work; when I travelled to London I got to know the campus and I was ready to start that chapter of my life.

Anni on the other hand, got into the medicine course and we were all very happy for her, she was fulfilling her dreams and, after having a talk with her parents, she stopped trying to be perfect all the time and started to enjoy her teenager years. Also, I finally got to meet Leo, and I have to say that he's a special guy, I talked with him in many occasions and I was happy for Anni, I knew she was going to be loved by someone in love with her and that's what she deserves.

Talking about love, Jude and I decided to end our no feeling relationship to have a real one; we had a real first date and, even if we got to second base right away, we knew how in love we were with each other. After a few dates, a lot of kisses and plenty of songs I decided to make it official, so I asked him to be my boyfriend and he said yes.

Talking about it with dad and his parents was a bit difficult, presenting myself as Jude's boyfriend after being Anni's boyfriend was weird, but everybody accepted it and reacted better than I thought. 

Being Jude's boyfriend was amazing, I never thought I would feel like this; I admit that having a secret relationship and the rush of it was exiting at first, but being free with him was better. I really love him.

So, this year was full of surprises, I knew many changes were coming but I never expected all the changes I went through, I laughed, cried and loved, a lot. I had a new life and I was going to enjoy the rest of my senior year, I was ready to live my life at the fullest and take advantage of every opportunity.

I wish you could be here to see everything I did mom, but I know that one way or another you'll find out and I just hope that you feel proud of me. Right now me, dad and Carol are about to head to the Munier's house to spend The New Year's eve with them, but I wanted to talk to you before this year comes to an end. I love you mom and thanks for saving me again.



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