Chapter 16

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"I think we could do it if we tried. If only to say you're mine.

Sofia, know that you and I. Shouldn't feel like a crime"

It was 3:12 p.m. of a beautiful Saturday and I was doing my second favorite thing in the world. The first one was to smoke while listening to some music in my front yard, and the second one was to kiss Noah.

I was laying on the stairs where we sat the first time I came to our place, he was kissing me and I started thinking how did we get here. It was strange getting a call from Noah on a Saturday, specially after the last time we hung together; almost getting caught by his dad and  avoiding his kiss in the car left me in an awkward position, I didn't know were I was standing with him and I couldn't suspect were he was with me.

But he sounded anxious on the phone so I decided to play along, I got out of my house pretty easy and now we were having a moment, our moment.

After some minutes of soft moans and tongue fights, Noah started kissing my neck, I don't know if I focused on it or if he was doing something different but I started laughing because it was tickling me.

"Are you ok?"; he stopped and looked at me wondering what was so funny, I tried to control myself and replied to him.

"Yes, yes, sorry... You can continue"; but as soon as he got near to my neck I started laughing again.

"Ok, you have to stop laughing I'm trying to concentrate here"; he looked at mi again, trying to contain the laugh.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you're tickling me"; he kept watching me without saying anything else, his smile never left his face but it seemed like he was focusing on mine, he was looking at me but clearly thinking about million things. "Are you ok?"; I kind of woke him up from his thoughts and he tried to hide his blushed cheeks.

"Yes, yes, I was..."; he couldn't finish because a loud thunder interrupted him, it took me two seconds to feel the first drop and it began to rain; Noah and I ran to be under the bridge before getting wet.

"I think I have an umbrella in my backpack"; I was going to get it but Noah stopped me.

"Wait, I want to do something first"; he took off his jacket and left his phone upon it.

"What are you doing?"; I asked confused.

"Please don't tell me you never wanted a scene under the rain"

"A what...?"

"A scene under the rain, you know, in movies, when something dramatic happens and the main couple kisses under the rain for some reason"

"So, we are the main couple?"

"Come on! It'll be fun!"; he walked until the rain touched his body, he was enjoying it , with his arms wide open and his face looking at the sky I noticed how free he felt. "Come on Jude! Don't tell me you are afraid of some rain"

"Me? Afraid? Never"; I took my jacket off too and walked to be some steps behind him and when we were close to each other I felt the cold water falling on me. "Oh my God! It's freezing!"; I said shivering a little bit, he turned around to face me and talked again.

"I know how to make you warm"; without warning he grabbed my arm to have me near and kissed me, I took my hands to his cheeks and made the kiss deeper, our scene under the rain felt surreal and I just felt like we weren't in the world anymore, I felt like we were two ghost just floating in the 'now'.

The rain kept falling, we were getting soaked but we never stopped kissing, for the first time I felt a different connection with Noah, somehow our kiss felt different and I would do anything to have that feeling forever.

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