twenty one

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IT was the rare sight of seeing the younger brother of the haitani's frown while his cheeks are a shade of pink. it made her somehow smile how shy he is when expressing his feelings than being insulted by his words.

"i thought you hate me." she looked down again, wiping some of the dried tears on her cheeks as glasses guy clicked his tongue. probably annoyed again.

"i still do, now get off me i'll get infected."

his strong arms pushed her to the side as he stood up,brushing himself clean due to the fact his body hit the dirty floor. meanwhile the girl couldnt help but stay in her position because of fear and guilt, her injuries soon faded away in a second as it wasnt that serious but it still hurt. he hurt her.

"stand up." he ordered at the girl, his bored expression plastered on his face as he crossed his arms.

he felt like talking to a literal rock as she didnt move an inch, clearly still scarred of whatever happened as rindou sighed. never once in his life thought that he'll be helping such a useless girl that bought nothing to his life other than headaches.

"i said stand up." he said firmly, grabbing both sides of her shoulders with his strong hands and lifting her up like a piece of feather. it sure did snap her out of her thoughts yet she still looked dazed as hell.

"sorry.." she trailed as his hands lifted her wrists as he examined them again, shaking his head and rolling his eyes was like one of his signature moves as she could already tell he was pissed. but with who?

"did he do this to you?" he asked, his violet eyes bore into hers as she reluctantly nodded.

she was in the middle of everything as well as her emotions, she knew what she did and how it affected the other one as if he felt the betrayal of the two people he's living with. yet she didnt expect haitani ran being too possesive and getting angry at her over talking to a friend. if she didnt panic at first the problem couldve been solved by a calm conversation but she reminded to herself that this was no ordinary person. he is haitani ran.

and she repeated, he is haitani ran

"and so what if i did?"

speaking of the devil, the two froze on their spot as the familiar voice spoke above them, turning to meet the tall figure as he stood proudly on the top staircase, casually leaning on the wall with crossed fingers. eyeing the two from up and down as he chuckled.

"didnt you know nami-chan betrayed me? speaking to that motherfucker behind my back." he scoffed as he slowly went down.

step by step

"who were you talking to?" rindou asked with one of his eyebrows raised at her.

"i-it was haru, he's just a friend." she looked down again as she heard ran scoff in disbelief.

the atmosphere was slowly suffocating as they were closer and closer, beads of sweat started to trickle down the girl's forehead down to her neck as she gulped down. it felt like deja vu as silence took over the deserted hallways that no other was present other than them. the sound of naomi's heartbeat almost echoing the whole building as she took steps back.

"friends dont look at you the way i do. so i just showed him how nami-chan is mine~" he smiled as he gradually walked closer to the girl, his slender finger touching her lips as it slowly quivered at his sight. "isnt that right, sweetheart?"

glasses guys eyes widened as he now knew it all, it somehow made his blood boil at the gross sight as his old self couldve just let them be since he didnt care yet he found himself shoving his brothers taller body away from the girl as it disgusted him at how close they were getting.

"whats the problem, rindou? jealous that i get to kiss her first?~" he rather mocked his younger brother with a teasing smile as rindou glared at him.

he didnt know why but it angered him. not like the anger he usually lets out in fights but the anger deep within him started to slowly get full control over his body and actions as his older brother only watched in amusement.

"you actually convinced me that you didnt like nor care about her, is that right, rindou?" the two males charged towards each other slowly as both of their crystal like eyes darkened as they continued to literally glare at each other to death, the girl watching a little far as she herself couldnt do anything.

"thats none of your business, brother." rindou spat rudely as ran only chuckled in reply.

"well of course its my business, because nami-chan is mine." ran took the first hit as fist collided with rindou's cheek aggresively, sending him almost flying yet his back landed on the wall.

the younger couldnt help let himself lose as he charged at his taller older brother and with 30 percent of his strength, managed to kick him in the face as he took steps back away.

naomi couldnt help but watch the horror show as it keeps getting worse along with their faces. the thought that the reason for all of this was her and her foolish actions as guilt started to build inside her again. some droplets of the crimson liquid started to decorated the cement ground as their bodies were almost trying to make friends with the floor.

"she will never be yours." ran gripped a chunk of his brothers blond and blue highlighted hair that was now a mess as he met faces with him again. cheek is badly bruised from some punches including his left eyebrow as his lips and nose dripped blood.

"lets see about that." he managed to breath out, his older brother was caught of guard as he managed to pack on more punch. sending another bruise to his perfect face again as so did he had multiple injuries and an almost broken leg thanks to his brothers signature technique.

"oh, is that a challenge i hear?~" ran smiled as he slowly crept his way up to his weakened brother again. 

"then may the best man win~"

rindou losing his insticts as his brother packed one more punch before he was sent to lalaland. though it was more like a tie as the older brothers legs were about to give up yet the sight of the girl, who still was not running away, was standing on the corner. watching their sibling fight, ran chuckling as he tried to walk to her again.

"now, what do i do with you?" he smiled again as blood dripped from the corners of his lips due to the punches his brother also gave as he was also a walking mess.

her eyes widened as his dirtied fist was now in the air towards her direction, her heart dropping as her legs weakened as it was just like in her previous home. the tears couldnt come out as she thought she had finally escaped her rather depressing life yet she found herself in the same situation.

she flinched and closed her eyes,preparing to be knocked out or getting hurt again. yet after seconds or so his hand instead touched her cheek gently, naomi meeting his rather gloomy eyes as he faced her with no expression at all.

"you can hurt me all you want. but i promise i wont hurt you ever again, nami-chan."

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