sixty nine [ alt end ]

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I'VE never experienced such a roller coaster of feelings in my entire existence,

i always thought such things only existed in fiction fairy tale stories with the perfect guy.

yet i never knew i would ride one also with you

but we werent in a fairty tale, and you werent perfect,

none of us here is perfect,

no matter how many times people tried to change my mind,

you were still perfecty imperfect in your own messed up little world, haitani ran.

and i wouldnt want our rollercoaster ride to end no matter what ups and downs we had to face,

as long as we're in the same seat then i dont mind as long as we're together.

"DOCTOR! the patient is waking up!" were the first thing he heard the moment his eyes finally left the ongoing darkness he had to endure as he was stuck inside it for God knows how long, still getting the grasp of his current situation and instead meeting people wearing white whilst his surroundings was just the same as their clothing.

though they were the last thing he ever wanted to see it was still a damn miracle that his existence was given another chance despite what things he did throughout his life, ran never felt so thankful for anything as he closed his eyes once again, hearing some chitter chatters everywhere as they were going in and out of the room yet not a familiar voice rung in his ears leaving him somewhat dissapointed.

i wonder where is she? wheres rindou?

the light above him was somewhat blinding his vision yet inside he completely adjusted to everything with ease as the most important thing already happened but the presence of the people he wished deeply to finally see was nowhere in sight, losing hope was out of the choices since ran knew better.

and that was to wait, for her.

like he always did.

and he knew that great things comes to those who wait, thats what the male exactly did, also regaining some energy to move his muscle little by little starting from his fingers, wrists, arms etc. it was fairly easy not until he started from his bandaged arm that he remembered some fragments of what happened before. it felt like an electric shock came when he touched his wound with his other hand was barely usable as of now.


his amethyst eyes shot open when a familiar gentle voice was near, it made him ecstatic as his guess was also right. there stood at the door was her tiny figure, eyes wide open in shock while holding two bags that he unknowingly dropped when she walked directly at his weak body yet just by her touch again it set his body straight like all the strength he needed was just infront of him.

"nami...chan." he whispered as she wrapped her arms around him the moment he sat up, the sound of her heart beating rapidly made his suprisingly not dry lips to curl up in a small smile as she was still speechless.

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