sixty five

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IT was rather shocking to everyone as they caught sight of someone whom they taught was already dead. half of his face was now severely burned along with his hair that parts turned bald that most likely is gonna leave a scar, a permanent scar on the whole half of his body as his tattered clothing almost flew from the wind.

naomi or neither the two managed to choke out a single word from their dried breaths as he looked like any other abandoned villain from a movie, despite his injuries he still presented a sadistic spine that sent shivers down her spine, it made him even worse as he probably was in a brink of insanity and avenging what he lost. the worst possible scenario has happened as there was no backing up now.

"naomi. get in the back seat." ran spoke seriously, backing away from the upcoming scene that was about to go down to hell. they didnt recieve an answer anymore as the two were busy death glaring their opponent from earlier making him grin even more as he stifled a laugh, pointing behind them. hesitant but doing so anyway their hearts stopped momentarily,

there the girl stood behind as they heard a loud smack, a shocked expression was painted on her worn out delicate face yet their violet eyes widened when she dropped cold on the cement ground, behind her was a guy they swore to see as it was wearing a pumpkin mask, on his hands he held a brick now stained with the girls blood.

it all happened so quickly.

will the bad things ever stop?

"naomi!" ran was the first to snap out of his thoughts yet stopped midway when the mask guy quickly grabbed her unconsious body, still holding the heavy brick above her head again to threateningly make him pause since every action they did now had a consequence.

it was too late again.

"you mother fucker!" rindou spat with rage about to punch the living hell out of him, not until he aimed a gun directly to his head leaving the pink haired man at a disadvantage since it was the time wherein they came

"woops! guess the sensitive little skull of hers couldnt take a hit!" he joked making his smile wider.

it was like when she always slept peacefully but with the side of her forehead splattered with her own blood, dripping down to her jaw until the polo she wore slowly soaked it in. that alone was enough to haunt their nightmares forever as the greatest fear they kept inside didnt know came true in an instant. scarred at the sight it filled their void with non other than regret and anger as the things they tried to protect her from seemed to find itself to fuck over them no matter how hard they tried to keep her away.

maybe she was right.

it made their legs weak, hope slowly losing and draining their whole whilst the guy behind the scheme almost laughed his ass of at the greatest revenge he could think of, the downfall of the most dangerous duo in Japan. the duo that mercilessly killed civilians was standing before him, slowly crumbling mentally as all they ever had with meaning was close to lifeless by now.

they never knew it could be their breaking point.

they never knew it could lead to their own downfall.

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