Chapter 2-

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“Who’s the newby?” Rich asks eyeing Aaron up and down.

I glare at Rich, “ This is Aaron.” I say.

“Do you want a drink?” Asks Jonny, holding out a brown glass bottle. Aaron looks at me awkwardly. I take the beer and sit down on the dry grass. Aaron sits next to me. I slowly turn my head towards him and glare. He looks about him, then smirks and shifts closer to me. I feel all eyes on me.

“Careful, Aaron, she bites.” Says Rich. I don’t look at him. Aaron smirk gets bigger. I pick up the beer and start to pour it on Aaron’s leg. He pulls back with a small yell. Soon he’s on his feet. I throw the beer to the field.

“Come sit beside me, son.” Says Jonny, who is sitting on the cooler, between laughs. Aaron does so quietly.

“You guys there’s a party.” Says Tatty, looking up from her phone. I roll my eyes. “ No, it’s Kettle’s party.”  We’re all silent.

“The Kettle?” Asks Gret, her green eyes wide.

Tatty nods her head.

“How did you manage to get the text?” Asks Gret.

“My ex-boyfriend’s best friend-“

“Your current boyfriend?” Asks Rich sneering.

“No! Don’t insult me by suggesting I’m a main stream-“

“Tatty, get back to the story.” Jumps in Jonny.

“Well he know the guy who had the last party at his warehouse, and I got the text.” Tatty grins largely.

We’re all quiet.

“Let’s go.” I say standing. Rich lets out an excited yell into the air. Jonny grabs the cooler from under Aaron and pulls. Aaron falls to the ground. I walk over to him and stand beside him till he gets up.

“What is Kettle?” He asks me brushing down his clothes.

“Kettle is a who; and nobody knows who they are. If you’re lucky enough, like we are tonight, you might get messaged the text he or she sends out.” I explain.

“Let’s go!” Shouts Rich from the back of the tuck. I hop on and Aaron follows.


The hot dry wind rushes through my purple hair. I watch as Aaron closes his eyes and leans his head back into the strong stream of the air rushing by the truck. His blond hair whips about in every direction. This moment.

“Was the concert your first?” I ask once Aaron pulls his head back in.

He nods his head. I watch him carefully.  There’s something.

Swiftly in one smooth movement Aaron slides beside me. I glare at him. What is it with him and personal space? He leans over towards and says, “ This’ll be my first party.” I lift up my feet and shove Aaron over away from me with my feet. My leg muscles strain at his weight. Once he is a good 12 inches backed up I put my feet down again.

“I’ll take you through it. If the music is bad I’m out, though.”  I say. I stare out towards the view, it’s too dark to see much.


We enter into the abandoned store and the music immediately hits me. The bass makes the walls vibrate. The Keyboard is overly used. The guitarist is good, and the vocalist eases into the screaming nicely. The drummer needs to pick up the beat by an eighth.  Overall sound works well together, the bands has chemistry, probably some siblings in there. They’ll do. I see my friends staring at me. I nod my head. They all relax. Jonny smiles at me and lifts his hands. Aaron is still staring at me.

“I’ll explain later.” I yell over the music.  “Come on I’ll give the tour.”


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