Chapter 12-

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The light the colours of blood surrounded me, as I stood in the middle of the room. It's toxic black air filled my mouth and grabbed my tounge. My ears rung with the smoke in my head. I tried to breathe in but I couldn't. I tired scream, but nothing came out. I the flames licked my body and grabbed at my arms, pulling. I couldn't breath. I couldn't move. I couldn't feel. I thrashed against the grip of the fire but it held tight and I knew I was stuck there to endure death by fire. Suddenly I was jolted into another scene. It was dark but my arms were still restrained. I gasped for air and a rush of cold satisfing breath poured into my lungs. I realized I was laying down and I couldn't get up. That's when I noticed the hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist. As my eyes adjusted I saw a figure siting above me. The grips they had on me wasn't harsh but firm and reasuring. I squinted and tried focusing on the person in front of me. The smell of cleaner and vomit hit my nose and it started to slowly dawn on me where I was. Just as I did his face became clear and I could see Aaron in front of me. I stared at him in shock. Continuing to gasp at the clean air, I noticed Aaron's face was contourted from pain. With out a word Aaron relised his grip on me and slowly, and awkwardly he walked back to his bed. I watched as he grabed the support bars around him and lowered himself into his bed with suppressed cries. I didn't sleep anymore that night. I watched the window, past Aaron's bed and witnessed the sun rising. 

Suddenly Aaron spoke, “Did you find watching the sun rise together as romantic as I did?”

 “Shut up Arron.” I replied without conviction. I hear a small chuckle.

 “What were you...” Aaron started, drifting off.

 “We don't talk about me, remember?” I reminded him though I realized he did before I said anything.  

 “So are you going to go to prison or something?” Aaron asked.

 “I guess so."

 “That sucks.”


 “Well if you go you'll have to get a tattoo.” 

“What for?”

 “To show you've been in prison, then you can really be bad-” 

“Good Morning, Aaron.” The Nurse said, coming in making to much noise. After opening charts and rolling in a new IV drip, she noticed the open seperation curtain.

 She turned to me, her blue blood shoot eyes focusing on me she asked, “ Did you pull back the curtain? I'm going to let the police know about this.”

 I lifted up an eye brow at her then lifted an arm showing the restraints on my wrists attacted to the bed. The nurse stared at me for a long time. Her cheeks were bloachily red, and her face was plump, like her body. Then silently she closed the divider certains. I heard the door close moments later.

Then I hear laughing. “I think you have a new friend.” An unseen Aaron says.

 “Totally going shopping later.” I reply. Aaron's laugh reaches me clear and sweet. Then he sighs after. Like he hasn't laughed in years. Sliently a nurse comes into my side of the room. She looks at my chert, then checks some of the machines.

 “Can I get rolled? My back is on fire.” I tell the nurse with a straight face. I hear Aaron snort into laughter. The nurse's eyes go wider and the clear blue colour of them is predomant. She looks about her, startled. Then she leaves the room. A minute later the doctor comes in. 

“You're in pain Kayla.” the doctor tells me. 

“Yeah, I feel like some idiot burned my back.” I reply shortly. Again I hear a laugh from Aaron. I see the doctor frowns , then he mutters something to the nurse. She nods, making her pony tail bounce.

  “I'll get the police officer assigned to you to come in to adjust your handcuffs.” The doctor says. As he leaves the room the nurse follows closely on his heels. A minute later I meet the police officer who's job is to watch me. He's dark skinned and strong built. As he unlocks my handcuffs the pressure of the metal on my wrists realises. I give a small sigh, only for it to be caught again in my throat when the doctor and nurse help me on my side. The cold smooth metal is again locked over my wrists and they all leave with out another word. I stare at the hard curl metal keeping my hands in place.

 “Does anyone know you're here?” Aaron asks me, breaking the silence and my thoughts. I don't say anything, but my silence gives me away. I stare at the curtain, picturing who is on the other side. Somehow the picture changes in my mind so it's not just Aaron, but Johnny, Rich, Gret and Tatty as well; then his face comes. Murky and shifting but nonetheless him. I wake up with a jerk. I realized I had been dreaming, again.

 “Aaron!” I hear a shout from the other side of the curtain. It's a pleasant but saddened voice.

“I didn't know you were back.”

 “Yeah...I'm back.” Aaron's voice comes quietly.

 “Is the cancer back?” Asks the voice, I decide it's a man's voice.

 “No, but I fell and now I'm even more of a bionic man.” Aaron says plainly. 

“I'm so sorry, Aaron. Can I cheer you up?” The voice asks. The fall. When he fell, in the stairs. Suddenly the voice starts singing. It's an accented voice with clear but quiet notes that tells me of the deep thought and hard life. Then the bass kicks in. It's an interesting choice of instrument, when your performing solo. Then suddenly the rooms starts spinning, faster and faster. And my body starts heating up. I struggle against the restraints, I pull and jerk but the metal remains metal and remains too hard for me to bend or break. Little gasps escape my mouth, they begin hitting my vocal chords. Little panicked cries come out of my mouth. I squeeze my lips together and bite my tongue. I still pull against the bed. The metals clicking together and the bed's legs rocking a bit.

 Suddenly I scream, “Aaron pull back the curtain! Now!” The voice stops singing the familiar song. It's stops telling the same story and it stops it's usual enticement. Then the curtain pulls back painfully slow. Standing feet from me, looking upon me in restraints and in a thin hospital gown, is the mysterious boy that always gave me his cd's.

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