Chapter 13 -

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His dark eyes stare into my eyes, and I watch him closely. He's nervious. I scared him. He's not sure what to think.

I don't say anything.

“What is it Kayla?” Aaron asks suddenly. I snap my stare to him. His eyebows are knit together. I look back at the boy, but it's to late. He recognizes my name, his eyes widen slightly. I see his adam's apple bob as he swallows hard. There's a glimmer from his hair line, from which his dark hair gracefully points upwards, while the sides are cut short. His eyes shift to the door and then in slow motion I watch as he swiftly leaves. The door closes softly. He's not scared , it's something else. I can see him in my head paceing the halls of the hospital, I will the imaginary mystery boy to come back. But the real mystery boy wont. Or maybe he will. Maybe.

“What the crap was that?” Aaron asks, watching me. I realize I'm, straining against the cuffs again, half sitting up.

I let out my breathe slowly. Leaning back against the pillows.

“Kayla?” Aaron asks. I close my eyes, blocking out his voice. I keep the boys face in my head. I let the darkness sound me and slowly sink into it. His present is around me. I search him, looking for who he is. His voice slowly floats to me, wispering in my ear, taunting me. Drawing me in, into nothing. Into my own subconsious. Suddenly I start falling being dragged away from him, quickly I feel the darkness pass me. Then the light comes back and I feel the pain which woke me. Before my eyes fly open a cry starts in my throat and releases out of my mouth as the light meets me. I let out anther cry as the pain continues in my back. Then reality comes back and I see the curtain staring at me again, I feel the doctors hands on my side and the cold air as it hits my burns on my back. Then I feel the pain again.

“What are you doing?” I snap at the doctor, through my teeth.

“Cleaning your wounds.” A female voice answers. I realize the person behind me is one of the nurses.

A sharp pain hits my back and I wince.

“Are you cleaning with a needle?” I shout at her. The power form the shout is felt in pain on my back. I let out a child let sound from the pain.

“Shouting will only hurt you.” says the nurse plainly.

“Yeah I figured that one out.” I mumbled. Suddenly cripling pain hits me around my lower back. It echos across my back and my breathe is caught in my throat. I grip the sheets, slowly the breath comes back in the form of a cry.

“Stop it, you're hurting her!” I hear Aaron's voice call.

“I'm just helping her. It's non of your business.” the nurse relpies. Then pain like extreme heat is pressed into my spine and I cry out, tears forming in my eyes. Suddenly the curtain is pulled back, and I see Aaron's face. His blue eyes staring intensely at me. His face is strong, and his stare unwavering. I watch him, using him as a something to hold onto. Pain ripples through my whole body and I bite my lip and put my face down on the bed.

“No, Kayla, keep your eyes on me. Keep watching me.” Aaron tells me. Slowly and reluctantly I look at him. Light shines from behind him but his eyes stay bright within the dim light. Waves of pain fall on me. But I hold my stare at Aaron. Everything in me tells me to look away. Suddenly I feel overwhelmingly vulnerable. I let out a growl at a shap pain and look away.

“Kayla, all I see is strangth.” Aaron says softly, but his voice firm. I look back at him. The pain feels faint as I continue to look at Aaron. The muscels in my face loosens from holding tight from the pain.

“Okay your done.” says the nurse. I here the sound of plastic thing being crushed. The sound echos inside me and as I keep my eyes on Aaron. It mixes and a war starts out. Stupid. Stupid. I look away, staring at the floor. The white lamanet shines from the florecent lights above which faintly hum. The nurse leaves without another word.

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