Chapter 8-

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“Newb!” Tatty calls as Aaron and I enter. I look at Jonny and his face looks hard and angry. I lock my teeth together. I turn to Aaron and see his face is redder than before. He’s grinning.

"I see you decided battle of the bands, is the way." I say smuggly to Rich.

He shugs and takes a swig of beer, " Someones got to play the drums, and no can do it better." I roll my eyes.

“Let’s not mess around.” I say picking up the guitar. My fingers brush the strings and it lets out a some raw notes. Tatty goes to the bass, Gret goes over to the sound desk, Rich sit behind the drum kit and Jonny steps up to the microphone.

Rich counts us in and I join with the quick strumming pattern, and then switch to the picking. My left hand poses its fingers automatically in the cords. I feel Tatty’s bass under my feet it doesn’t feel right. Not strong enough, not enough power. Jonny’s voice comes in rough and harsh. The lyrics make me stop after the first verse. Everyone looks at me.

 I say it all in a rush, “Tatty, play it stronger, mean it. Make yourself feel empowered then strum it hard and with energy. Jonny, what the heck was that?” I ask spitting the question, at the shaggy haired eighteen years old.

He turns sharply to me, “New lyrics, what did it sound like, Kayla?”

“It didn’t sound like the ones we wrote together!” I shout at him. Rage fills up my body; I have an urge to lash out.

“You don’t get to control everything, Kayla! Just because you think you’re a musical genius doesn’t make you leader of this band! I am!” Jonny Yells at me. Suddenly all my energy saps from me. My knees feel weak.

“Fine, we’ll go with your lyrics.” I say quietly through gritted teeth.

I look out from the homemade stage in Rich’s apartment. Everything stops. Everything blurs. Every second comes to a halt. My breathing slows. I feel like I’m frozen in ice. My eyes take in the scene of Aaron standing by Tatty’s place on the stage. Aaron and Tatty’s lips interlocked, in a deep kiss. Tatty pulls back and grins then lets out a holler. Aaron stumbles off the stage with a large grin on his face.

“What was that, Tatty?” I ask, my voice sounding far away.

“I just got empowered.” She smiles.

 I’m silent, then, “Okay.” I Shrug and shake my head quickly.

Rich counts us in, I start playing the metal strings under my fingers vibrate I can feel Tatty’s kiss in my feet and pounding in my head. It works with the music. Jonny’s new lyrics come. They’re energetic and angry; he eases into a metal scream. It all works together. We finish the song. Tatty and Rich whoop, and Jonny grabs water. I look to Gret and she gives me a smile and a nod.

“What did you think of that? Our music queen?” Rich asks sarcastically.

I snap my head at Rich. He looks at me expectantly. Before I can glare, or make any sarcastic facial response.

Aaron speaks up, “It was perfect.” I turn to him his face is bright red. I nod.


After we finish our set I jump off the stage, my feet land with an echoing thud, the sound seems to travel down all the way to the ground floor.

“She’s not really interested in you, you know that right?” I say quietly to Aaron.

He smirks, face still bright red, “Jealous much?”

“You make one more comment about us, or you and me, or even me, and you’re done with this.” I snap.

His face falls, “I’m just having fun, Kayla.” I look and see his eyes are distant. “I got to go anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asks.

I nod silently. He turns to leave when I grab his arm. I look at him as soft as I can let read in my face. His eyes widen slightly, and then he nods. He understands I’m sorry; that I can’t say it. I let go and he leaves.

I turn to Jonny. He’s staring at me coldly.

“What’s your problem?” I ask walking closer to him.

“Same as always.” He responds, a growl in his voice.

“What? Me?” I spit out at him.

“No. It’s your arrogant, know it all, I’m better then everyone, no one understands me attitude. That’s what I’m having problems with.”

“Oh really, cause it sounds a lot like it’s a problem with me. What did you do wake up on the wrong side of futon, today? Huh? Oh I see, maybe it’s that you couldn’t get your pathetic girlfriend to take you back.” I say. I feel Tatty, Gret and Rich stare at us.

“Guys please stop fighting.” Tatty’s high voice breaks into the space between us.

Jonny glares at me, a snarl on his face, “You haven’t figured it out yet have you? And you know what? you never will. Because you are incapable of being human!”

I nod sarcastically while glaring at him. I feel Tatty’s arms around me pulling me back, I let her. She turns me around to face her. Tatty stares deep into my eyes, searching. I stare back, letting her. She keeps he hands on my arms. I look past her and in the mirror behind her I see Jonny staring at me with intensity. I break Tatty’s hold, and turn around.

“You know good and well I am human.” I say quietly, intensity straining in my voice. The tension is held up in his words yet to be spoken.

“I know you are, but you seem to be completely detached from acting like one.” His voice isn’t strained or angry, they’re weak and pained. I turn and walk out the door. I run down the stairs desperate to get away, desperate to get away from his words, must mostly desperate to get away from the emotions in his words.

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