Chapter 14 -

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“Would they hurry up with that wheelchair?” I say in frustration.

“You should have let me ask them.” Aaron says smiling.

“I know, they never want to do anything for me.”

out of the corner of my eye I see Aaron staring at me, I look at him.

“Well maybe it has to do with the fact that you were in the police's custody, and that your moody, and you never say please-”

“shut up.” I tell Aaron, but he just grins at me, I roll my eyes.

One of the nurses comes in with a folded up wheelchair. Her face looking sour. I slide my feet off the bed.

“Thank you.” Aaron says. The nurse leaves without a word.

“I think they are just bitter.” I observe. Aaron nods, and starts to unfold the wheelchair. It's soft leather seat streaching from one end to the other within the light frame. I hiss as I stand. My back aching. Aaron slides himself into the chair using the bars around him as support.

“Are you done yet?” I ask him.

“What do you mean, 'yet'? I smoked you. You took like half a year standing up.”

I shoot him a glare.

“Just remember who'd the one walking about.” I say.

“It's not a race.” He mumbles.

“Pretty sure that wasn't your view two seconds ago.”

“I'm pretty sure I can still beat you to the elevator.”

I snap my head towards him. Suddenly he starts pushing the wheels on the chair and he rolls quikly and smoothly out the door. I follow him, at a much slower pace. My back limiting me to much speed. As I walk out into the hall I spot Aaron rolling away. He smoothly rolls around and faces me while still moving himself backwards.

“You're not making it very hard to beat you.” He smirks.

“I thought it wasn't a race.” I reply.

He grins. The swiftly rolls back around and pushes him self away. His wheels spinning fast. The light from the window catches on the metal of the speeding chair. I use my walking sticks to help me move faster. Aaron rolls into the elevator, disappearing out of my sight. I push on towards the silver elevator. As I apraoch I see Aaron, siting in the doorway, holding it open. He rolls backwards and lets me in. I step in and lean against the wall, with a small groan.

“It was a close one. A real nail biter.” Aaron smirks, and looks up at me.

“You're too funny.” I respond sarcastically.

The elevator announces the floor leaves as we stop at each one. I frown and look towards the button panel.

“You pressed all the buttons?” I ask Aaron increduously.

“ Thought I'd let you catch your breath.” He replies.

I glare at him.

“Okay fine, I just always wanted to do that.”

I roll my eyes, as he laughs softly.

The male nurse on the elevator gives us a weird look as he steps out on what he thinks is the last floor.

Arron and I exchange look and I breathe out a laugh. The doors open again, revealing an empty floor. Aaron wheels out smoothy and I walk out tettering on the sticks. We walk to the windows and settle into our usual spot. The clouds are low and havy. The hall way echos the grey of the sky. I look out to the buildings: concrete, glass and metal. I pull myself upon to the window sill, and lean against the window's frame. Oppeset me Aaron copies my actions, I reach out my arm and he uses it to help pull himself out of the chair and on to the sill. Once he settles he lets out a sigh. I sneak a glance at him. The soft light traces out the structure of his face. His jaw locks.

“I need to get out of here, Kayla.” He says still staring out the window.

“Me too.” I respond.

“I've spent way to much of my life in this hospital. I just...I want to be healthy, you know?”

There's a long pause between us. I continue watching the city.

“Kayla, I need to tell you something.” Aron says, I can see him staring at me from the corner of my eye.

“I've always wanted to do something great.” I blurt out. Suddenly my body goes cold, I feel myself start to disengage. The view of the city starts blurring. I can feel Aaron's eyes on me, they feel distant and the only thing solid in the fog world my mind has taken me to.

“My parents know I'm here, but I told them not to come see me, or else I wouldn't start the chemo again.”

My world starts solidifying, the city's feature start to look sharp.

“I thought you were in remission.” I say looking at Aaron. My mind fighting against the open. Fighting to revert back into the cold, hard fog world.

“That's what I wanted to tell you.” He takes a deep breath and locks his eyes on mine. I squirm a bit, where i'm sitting. “ When I broke my hip, they did lots of tests, and they found the cancer is back. They don't think I'll be able to fight it off completely. I promised my parents i'd do the chemo again, but only if they'll let me go out.”

“And be with me?” I say tonless. Aaron's soft blue eyes are hard and yet I can see the brokeness of the inside. He nods slowly.

“I used to stay inside all the time when I was on chemo, even when I was feeling good enough to go out. But I don't want to do that this time. I want to live life.” Aaron says, his eyes still locked on mine, searching. My body aches all around it, the pain spreading from my back.

“I,” I take a deep breath this time the words are going to be controlled, “ I fight myself. All the time, I try to repress myself. But I feel like i'm losing. Because-” Before I say another word, I don't detonate inside, but the city does, outside.

The ground shakes and vibrates, in slow motion I see the explostion, bright reds, and death greys. The colors that come when I set fire to the club, but this time, the colors came with a sound so vicious and loud, that my very core, was scared. I grab onto the window sills as the building swayed, and Aaron reached out and pulled me into his body. I could feel his heart racing, but couldn't hear it. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't feel anything. The sky turned a siniser dark grey, echoing what had just happened. I slowly pull away from Aaron and look out to the city. It was broken and damaged. Then the sound came back and the screams filled the air I breathe. I inhaled the pain, and exhaled the fear. I looked at Aaron, looking for his strangth that fed mine. His bravery that calmed me. And for the first time, it was gone. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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