Chapter 4-

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I shift in my seat, uncomfortable.

“Alright there, son?” Asks Jonny from the driving seat.

“My names Aaron, actually.” I say.

“You look more like a ‘son’ to me.” Says Jonny a playful smile acting up on his mouth.

“Okay then.” I say softly to myself.

“So what’s going on with you and Kayla, how did you even get her to talk to you? It took me years to be her friend.” Says Jonny seriously.

“I’m not sure really. But she said she’s going to show me the world she lives in. Well, not the world she lives in but you know the scene you’re in.” I say. I try to keep my voice even, despite its threats to break. He intimidates me.

“I see.” Jonny’s eyes have gone cold. I look about the car. He already dropped every one off, except me. I wish that Kayla was still here. “I saw you have a crush on her.”

I look at him harshly, a flicker in my mind made me think of Kayla as I did this. Then I smirk.

“I don’t. Crushes are way to every day.” I say shooting a look at Jonny.

His face changes, humor now plays up again.

“I see she’s already wearing off on you.”

I smile crookedly.

“What was with everyone staring at her when we arrived at the party?”

Jonny’s face lights up. Something inside me squeezes tightly.

“Ah, now that is something to talk about. Kayla has a gift.”

“A gift of what?” I ask watching Jonny turn the car.

“She can tell almost immediately if a band is good or not.”

I shoot him a confused look. Jonny side glances at me.

“Okay,” he begins, “If you listen to band, you sort of know if you like them or not, right? Well most people take some time figuring out if they like them. Kayla? She can tell if they are good. Not like if she likes them, but she sees bands for the musical ability, connection between the band members, the feel of the music and the voice of the music. She knows all this, within a minute.”

“Whoa.” I breathe.

“Yeah, whoa.”

“How did you find out about it?”

“We went to an orchestra, and she pointed out to me every single member’s talent and where they were weak.”

The tightness grew stronger. A lump formed in my throat. I coughed.

“Why is she…you know?” I say through the decreasing lump.

“Like a vampire?” Jonny laughs. Then he’s silent and his facial features turn hard again. “I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t think anybody knows. She never lets anyone in. But somehow she can still be the best friend I’ve ever had.”

We both go silent. The cars muffled air sounds take over. The sound seems to fill my ears and my head. I can’t think properly. I can only feel. I feel the pain again. 


Author's Note:

This chapter was done from Aaron's view point. Sorry for any confusion, but i felt it had to be done for the sake  of the story line and character dvelopment. --xx

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