Chapter 3-

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 I start walking without warning. We’re on the main floor of the store. The band plays at the back. I walk towards the latter. The music grows louder. I start to feel the drums under my feet. I turn around and face Aaron.

“This is where you want to be.” I shout over the music.

“Why?” He yells back.

“This is where the music can be felt, not just heard. This is the sweet spot.” I linger a bit and close my eyes. The metal strings swirl around in my stomach and the singer’s notes play around in my chest. Then I move on. I walk to the drinks table, and stop.

“This is your basic watering hole. You won’t find any band beer, it’ll all be home brewed.”  I say to Aaron, and then I look him up and down. “How old are you, anyways?”

“Seventeen.” He says. “How old are you?”

I shake my head, “Years are overly used. Let’s say I’ve lived enough, but not that enough.” I airily gesture to the beer.

He nods, and then smirks. That smirk is really starting to annoy me. I glare at him, but he just grins at my glare.

I move away from the table. I see Jonny talking to a group of people. I walk over to them.

“Seriously, you need to check it out; it’s a sick underground art gallery.” Says a guy with long brown hair.

Jonny nods staying silent. He notices me and Aaron standing there and gives me a smile.

“Aaron, you into art?” Jonny says turning to Aaron. Aaron’s eyes light up. There’s something there. That’s his thing.

“Yeah, I am.” Aaron says.

Jonny gestures with his head to the long haired man, “Faith here says there’s a new underground scene, you interested?”

“You mean like-“Aaron starts.

“Don’t get too excited there, you’ll have to prove yourself first.” The Faith looks at me, “I’m sure this lady will know how to get you noticed.”

“Don’t act like you know me.” I snap at him.

He stares at me, obviously shocked. I open my mouth and mock his surprise. I walk away from the group without another word. Aaron follows behind me.

“Don’t worry about it. He isn’t in charge.” I say airily to Aaron as I look about. I spot Tatty. She sees me and gives a wave. I walk to her.

“Want to make this party better?” A greasy man asks Aaron. Aaron looks at me. I shake my head and start for the stairs. The second floor is just a walkway around the walls, and looks out on the band. I lean against the rail.

“Do you ever dance at these things?” Aaron asks me, trying to look into my eyes. I don’t let him.

“If you want.”

“No one else is.”

I sigh. He still hasn’t picked up.  I figure he hasn’t been trying to get into the scene for long. I grab his wrist with two figures and pull him along to the next set of stairs. I follow them up higher and higher, the music strains to reach my ears and make me listen. I pull away from it and go through a heavy door. We walk out onto the roof. The dry air hits my lungs making me want water. I ignore it.  I walk to the edge and look out upon the city. The lights are steady and small. Together they all reach for the skies, dimly the clouds above us except the light.

“It’s a fake.” I say keeping my eyes on the city.

“What is?” Aaron’s voice reaches out to me.

“The party. It isn’t a real Kettle party.”

We’re silent for a while.

“I want to go to one. One of these days I’ll take you to one.” Aaron says.

I turn to him. “Not going to happen. I’m taken, remember. So just stop.”

“I think you’re lying.” Aaron replies shortly.

I bare my teeth to him and slap him across the face.

“Okay, fine. Let’s say you’re not. Where is your fiancé?”

“My life isn’t your business.”  I say through gritted teeth.

Aaron sighs. I turn back to the city.

“Okay, so if you’re going to stick around you need to know the ground rules.” I say.

“I do want to stay with you.” Aaron says quietly.

I sigh, “First rule: You don’t ask about me. Second: You do everything I say.”

“Is that it?”

“That’s it. Simple?”


“Then you agree, in return: I’ll show you this world.”

“You mean the one down there?”

“No. Like I said that was the fake, some was real though.”

I’m silent for a while, “I want to show you the world I live in.” I side glance at Aaron he’s turned towards me. “Since you’re so obviously desperate to get into it.”

Aaron smiles.

“You into art, then?” I ask.

“Yeah, it helped me when I was going through chemo, well, until I got too weak.”

“Tomorrow you show me your art. We’ll go from there.”

“So, what’s the first thing I need to know? You know, about this world.” He laughs a little.

I turn to him, and stare into his eyes. His dark eyes seem to burn holes into my blue ones. I hold my stare and the hole disappears.

“The first thing is the only one you need to know.”

He looks confused.

“Do what you want. Be different. And don’t ever, and I mean ever, do what others do simply because they tell you to, or they are all doing it. If I catch you doing that last part, you’re done.”

“What do you mean done?”

“I mean you will be blocked from me.”

Aaron laughs, “Blocked? Like on Facebook?”

I moan, “Don’t go on Facebook. By blocked I mean if you ever want to talk to me or even see me again, you don’t do stuff like go on Facebook.”

“Got it.” He says simply.

“Let’s get out of here.” I say.

“Could you grab my wrist again?” Aaron laughs from behind me.

“Don’t push your luck.” I call back to him. A small smile tugs at my lips. I don’t let it take over.


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