Chapter 12

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"It was nice meeting you sweatheart. I'm glad Braylen decided to settle down with a girl like you and not these fast ass lil girls. If Braylen and Kayla like you then I love you", Braylen's mom said after we finished eating the lasagna she prepared.

"It was nice meeting you too Mama Sheila and hopefully I'll be around a lot more often", I said looking at Braylen.

"Of course", he said getting him another plate of food. I shooke my head, this nigga fat. He had more than both of us combined and he was eating again.

"Good, I'm sorry I can't stay but I have to get to work for this night shift", she said giving both of us a hug.

Once she left we and fat ass finished eating we decided to watch a movie on Netflix.

"Aye bad what happened with Rionna earlier", he asked as he clicked okay for Baby Boy. This movie was the shit and it would never get old.

"Nothing really, she was Jamie basically talking a bunch of rawr rawr shit." I was debating on rather or not to ask him about the staircase. I didn't wanna make a big deal out of it or make it seem like I don't trust him but I really wanted to know.

"Oh and she mentioned something about stop dragging her to empty stairways", I mumbled.

"What bae? You gotta speak up", he said with his eyes trained on the TV.

"I said she said to stop dragging her onto empty stairways."

He laughed, "I ain't even gone lie some shit did happen between us in that stairway but that was before we go together. The last time I took her there was the day I seen her with Jamie. I was feeling you so I told her to tell you about us or I was."

"Oh", I nodded. I know I shouldn't be mad but this reall my had me feeling some type of way. Like my ex best friend and my boyfriend fucked and I didn't find out until after we started dating. Part of me wanted to know how Ri felt about the situation but after today the other part couldn't care less.

"You straight bae?"

"Yea I'm good, I just feel weird about the whole situation", I sighed.

"I understand you gotta lot on yo plate right now dealing with your mom and now this shit but I just want you to know I'm here for you", he said pulling me on my lap.

"Okay", I nodded.

"Now give me a kiss", he smirked.

"Gimme got shot", I teased.

"Guess ima just have to take it then." Before I knew it his lips were pressed tightly against mine with his tongue poked at my lips. I slightly opened my mouth and he plunged his tongue in. We stopped once I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.

"Hello", I answered.

"Hey baby girl, where are you?" I heard my dad say from the other end.

"At Braylen's, wassup?"

"Family meeting in 30 minutes."

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