Chapter 13

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"Bitch let my hair go", she said as I held a firm grip to her head.

"Nah, you wanted to talk all that rawr rawr shit well now you gotta pay for", I said as I slammed her head against the locker. "I made you bitch and this is how you repay me."

I started to got her head against the locker again but I felt someone grab me. Instead of resisting like the first fee times I let then pull me away. Once we were half way down the hall I turned around to see who it was who grabbed me.

"Get the fuck off of me", I said.

"Bae I'm sorry', Braylen pleaded as  tried snatching away from him. He wouldn't let me go so forcibly smacked him and he let go.

"Okay, I deserved that but come on let me explain."

"What is there to explain? I caught you getting head from her in the stairway and that's that", I said as a few tears escaped my eyes. "I don't even know why I'm crying, I should've known you were going to do me dirty. Just like everyone else. You know I always thought that girls were just dumb saying all guys are the sane but after you and Jason I believe it. Y'all not shit."

"Come on ma don't compare me to that nigga. You know I would never do shit to purposely hurt you."

"Whatever Braylen, get the fuck out my face", I said and walked away. I got my things from my locker and walked out to the student parking lot.

"You want me to go with you", Crasha asked running behind me.

"Nah, I'm good", I said dismissing her and  getting in the car. Maybe I was being rude or disreapectful but I have every right to be. The nigga I thought was down for me did me dirty. Now I see what females be talking about. I was never the type to say all niggas were the same but I think I was jilust being naive. Its a Shane how you can do so much for a nigga, give him yo all and he still treat you like shit. And I know Rionna was a dirty bitch from the time we seen her at the mall. Her personality made a whole 360. She was always the calm quiet one out of the group but I guess I was just blinded from the truth. The shit is honestly crazy and at the end of the day it leaves you to think who is really down for you? Who really has your back like they say they do?

Once I pulled up to the house I sat in the car drying my eyes. I got out the car and walked in the empty house. J sighed before trudging to my room stripling and laying on the bed. I was about to listen to all my sad depressing music but someone knocked at the the door.

I threw the cover over me before saying, "Come in."

Kyle entered and said at my computer chair facing me. "Why you here so early?"

I sighed thinking about all the explaining I was going to have to do since he decided to skip out on school. If he would have came he would know what was going on. A part of me wanted him to come and the other was glad he didn't. I knew of he was there he would have probably beat the shit out of Braylen and as much as it should happen I didn't want it to happen. I didn't want Braylen beat into a bloody pulp because quite frankly I still cared for him and plus I didn't want Kyle to be mixed up with my drama. But its to late for that now because after this there is no telling what he is going to do.

"So me and Crasha were walking to lunch but we decided to take the back stairway since my locker is closer. Well when we were walking we heard grunts and shit. Long story short Rionna was giving Braylen head and we caught them. I beat Ri's ass I'm probably suspended for like 10 days if not more and I basically broke it off with Braylen", I sighed trying to hold the tears in.

"Fuck! I told yo ass not to fuck with that nigga. Man you gotta start listening to me Khlo, I wouldn't tell you anything to hurt you", he said with his fist balled up.

"I know but don't do anything crazy. I don't need you mixed up in all my girly drama. I hate to admit it but I'm turning into one of them females who think all niggas are the same and I didn't wanna be that person."

"Its cool Khloe, I mean there is always gone be some shit you gotta go through to get to the good stuff. Just chill and focus on getting in college and making pops proud."

"Yea, your right." It got quiet for a minute while I soaked in all his words. Quite frankly he was right and I needed to focus on me and not try to please everybody else. I need to be happy for me and not just pretend to be so others can be. My thoughts were broken when we heard the door slam downstairs.

"What are you doing here", I heard dad ask. I'm assuming he was talking to my mom.

"I came to get my kids." Bish whet?

"What you mean? You never wanted them before so why do you want them now? Fuck outta here with that shit", I heard him say and I could tell he was getting angrier by the minute.

"I don't have to explain myself to you, just give me my kids."

"No", my dad said calmly. By that time me and Kyle were half down the steps to stop whatever was about to go down.

"They're not even yours", she shouted shocking everyone. I stopped on the last step and shot her a death glare.

"Bitch what", my dad said balling his fist up.

"You heard me, they're not yours! You have been taking care of another's mans kids and you didn't even no it! That's all stupid and gullible you are", she smirked. I seen my dad raise his hand to her but Kyle quickly pulled him back.

I couldn't stand there anymore and take it. My whole life was a lie and there was nothing I could do about it. I got in my car and quickly backed out of the driveway. I drove no where in partically not paying attention the the speed limit. My life was honestly a roller coaster. I lost a bestfriend, boyfriend, and found out my dad isn't my biological dad. Tears started to stream from my eyes and I tried to keep them under control as I drove but I couldn't. I tried to swerve the semi truck in front of me but I couldn't. All I seen was bright lights and I was out. I could hear the ringing in my ears as I slipped in and out of conciseness.After a while I couldn't hear anything and everything was black.

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