Regeneration number 12

174 4 2

scary title, isn't it? 

I have returned. My six month plan -- though faced with a few hindrances -- is almost done. It's hard to believe that it's almost been six months already...and I've come so far.

I've admitted things I never imagined admitting. I've faced an unbelievable amount of fears. However, my proudest moment in all this so far has to be that I no longer doubt myself.

I mean, sure I'll doubt myself every now and then, but now I'm finally confident enough in myself and what I'm doing to not let fear keep me from doing those things. I was sick and tired of letting things pass me by that I knew could be mine, just to please everyone else. I'm doing somethings (not everything, though) for me. Finally.

And it feels amazing. For the first time, I'm not guilty about what I'm doing for myself. The things I have chosen to do in overcoming my anxiety and the things I've admitted are things I don't regret one bit. I wish I could describe how relieving this is, but words could not do it justice.

I will hopefully be updating soon (and when soon is, I have no idea.) I'm going to try.  No promises.

I hope you all had a good winter break/happy new year/whatever else you possibly celebrated. I genuinely hope that this little story has helped some of you, for it will be coming to a close soon (there will be a part two). I just feel this one is getting a bit long.

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