More Awkward Adventures at the Store

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So, we've all lost our parents at the store before, right?

Well, mine went over a bit differently.

Once, when I was a kid, I was too busy dancing down the isles and singing every song from the musical Annie to pay attention to where my parents were. I didn't even know I was lost. My parents found me while I was singing a duet with an old man by the cereal...

There was this one time at the mall when these two guys came up to me and asked if I worked there...I honestly didn't think I looked like I did...I was wearing my infamous Batman shirt and skinny jeans...So, not knowing how to respond, I put down the Sonic shirt I was looking at and stared at them awkwardly. They started asking where something was, to which I finally told them I didn't work there.

Another time, I was at Best Buy, and I had ate something that didn't agree with my stomach. Long story short, I had to go to the bathroom....BADLY. My stomach was hurting so much that I wanted to be euthinized right then and there. Too embarrassed to tell my parents what was going on (they were talking to someone) I just started to walk off in the direction that I thought was the bathroom....Turns out the bathroom was in the opposite direction. I was finally going the right way, and halfway there I start blacking out. I had to stop and catch my breath before passing out. So by then, I was really worried. I FINALLY made it to the bathroom, my mom at my heels, asking me what was wrong. I was in too much pain to respond, so I just went to the bathroom. I was alone, besides my mom, thankfully. BUT right in the middle of explaining things to her...two of my 6th grade teachers walked in the bathroom at the same time. I froze and didn't make a sound until they left. It took them a long time because they were talking up a storm. Yes, I'd rather nearly explode from pain than use the bathroom while people I know are nearby.

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 don't worry, there are PLENTY more awkward stories about me (in places besides the store) I just don't want to upload them all at once :P

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