The next step

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So, I'm sure most of you've guessed that I had a bit of some emotional issues over a guy, right?

Well, now I'm at that point of I need closure. I already know how I should go about doing it, but being as awkward as I am, I've planned it out in my head about a hundred times. I do this with almost any important talk I have with someone. I plan out everything I'm going to say, and for any questions or comments I may get in return. 

So, my question stands, what do you do? What do you guys do when you need to get over something or someone. It doesn't have to be a relationship either. It could be trying to wait for your favorite show to start again, or dealing with the stress of school. Do you do anything to cope with any of this? While all of these are different situations, it seems that they can be dealt with in very similar ways. 

Or maybe it is a relationship. What kind of things do you do to get over someone? Does it involve a night of eating ice cream and watching Jim Carrey movies? (oh wait, that sounds like me) or maybe it's writing all your feelings down on paper?  

Also, I have something else I've finally  come to terms with. I'm actually single. I never really felt like I was until now. It's a long and complicated story that I won't force onto any of you...but I can finally fangirl over really attractive people (*cough* steam powered giraffe *cough*) and not feel guilty. I can finally not feel bad about liking or having a slight crush on someone (which I do) the only problem is...I can't flirt without being extremely shy and slightly awkward. By slightly I mean very. I'm the worst when it comes to figuring out if a guy likes me...

here's some examples:

It took me a few months to realize someone had asked me out. 

I once tried to call a guy I liked and I ended up talking about ramen noodles for thirty mintues. 

The Amazing Adventures of a Socially Awkward OverthinkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon