That one time at a waterpark...

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Since it's summer, I decided to share a story that happened while on a vacation.

So I can't remember the name of it, but a few years ago, my family and I went to this waterpark. Honestly, I can't remember if it was in Texas or Florida...I've been to too many waterparks.

Anyway, there was this huge ''lazy river'' type thing that went around the whole park. It connected to several pools, and even the wave pool. So, while we were in one of the normal pools, my sister and I accidently got swept away into the lazy river without one of those big inner tubes or whatever they're called. Apparently, the lifegards let people swim around in the lazy river, so they didn't think twice about it.  We had no idea where we were going, but my sister wasn't aware of how lost we were. I was too socially awkward to ask for help because I didn't want to get judged or yelled at. Plus I couldn't speak loud enough to get their attention. I didn't want anyone to make a big deal out of it.

As soon as I found a spare inner tube, I gave it to my sister. That's when the wave part of the river came along. You see, there is a wave pool, but there's also this tunnel where several foot waves come at you...and if you're not in an inner better know how to swim well.

I, fortunately, can swim  well and didn't have that much of a problem going through the waves. Still, I knew our parents were probably wondering where we were. I didn't want to go wandering around the park by myself, so I decided to continue going around, because eventually, we'd end up back at the pool where we started. I just wasn't sure how long that would take.

I didn't realize how many pools there were. And they all looked very similar. We kept going in circles. I eventually found an inner tube for myself, but I ended up losing it in the waves a few times. You'd think that the lifegaurds would notice two kids swimming by them selves going around in circles...but no, they didn't. I wasn't angry with them or anything. I should have asked for help. Actually, a few times I would try to stick by a small family so it wouldn't look like my sister and I weren't completely by ourselves. I didn't want to draw attention to us. I'm just glad my sister didn't need the bathroom in that time.

So, after about going around the entire partk about nine times, we finally recognized our parents. They were more mad than anything else, thinking we did it on purpose just to stay at the waterpark longer...(but yes they were glad we weren't lost)

Which apparently was true since my sister didn't point out that we'd past up our parents because she didn't want to leave.

* * *

On a different note, I don't like waterparks that much because everytime I see someone remotely attractive, I end up acting like an idiot trying to get their attention...

but I don't do that anymore for some reason... *confused shrug*

so, now's your turn. any stories you want to share? any thoughts? :)

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