Another fear of mine

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I'm afraid of going somewhere and seeing someone I know but I'm not exactly friends with. When that actually does happen, this is what goes through my mind:

What do I do? Do I say hi? Is it acceptable to go over and talk to them? Do I awkwardly wave? What if they don't see me and my attempt is useless? Should I call their name? Do I know them well enough to do that? Will they think I'm creepy? Will they even recognize me? I should smile. Yes, I'll just smile. Oh no, they're turning around, I'll turn around and start talking to my sister. If they notice, maybe they'll say hi. I'm so creepy. I'm thinking about this way too much. What is wrong with me. Alright, I'll casually turn around, but make it seem natural...Dang it, they turned around again. Wait, no, they're looking in my direction. I better act preoccupied or they'll think I'm a stalker for looking at them. Oh no, they see me. I'll smile....that was the most awkward smile I've ever done in my life. What was that. Just say something. Say something. Anything! Come on...

And this is why I should never meet celebrities. or go to parties. or outside. Can't I just sit at my computer and buy food online or something? I'll just sit there and buy one of those workout bicycle things and attach my laptop to it, and that's how I'll get my excersize. Then I'll just sit there, talking to people online and listening to Steam Powered Giraffe for 14 hours or so then sleep. But that won't work. I'll end up missing some human contact, right?

Yeah, this pretty much happens everytime I see someone I know. Not a friend of mine. If we're friends, then I won't have a problem going up to you and say hi. It's just those people I know, but don't talk to regularly...or I'm not sure if I consider them a's more like a classmate or aquaintance. I guess.

I don't know why I doubt myself so much. I always feel that I'll say something wrong, they'll think I'm creepy, or I'm annoying them. Hopefully, that'll change eventually. Turns out, I don't annoy people like I think I do. I probably annoy them more by asking if I'm annoying them :/

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