a brief reflection...

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that was a PUN...I think.

So, when I was about 6 I saw Spy Kids for the first time (I can't remember which one it was, but I'm assuming it was the first one). I loved that movie with a passion, but something about it startled me. When the mom was using her mirror as a computer, it got me thinking...were all mirrors like that? What if someone had snuck into my house and exchanged all my mirrors for some sort of spy device?

So, I then had an on going fear that all the mirrors in my house secretly had some sort of micro chip placed in them that would record everything I did. I couldn't look in the mirror for too long. When I had to take a shower, I'd change under the mirror, going through great lengths not to be seen. I'd duck under things, run, crawl, etc. Either that or I'd grab a towel or blanket and run into a room where there were no mirrors at all. Even while brushing my teeth I'd stand out of the view of the mirror for as long as possible.

No one in my family seemed to notice, either. This went on for about four years. It wasn't until 6th grade when I could finally stand in front of a mirror without freaking out and feeling stalked and/or watched. The thought never occured to me that it was almost impossible for someone to have gone into the house without anyone noticing...and if they did, why would they only do it to put a microchip into a mirror? Would it even fit into a mirror?

This was one of the many reasons I was a strange child.

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