Chapter 3

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"Hello, mon cher. I must say you look stunning as always!" Alastor said with a wide pleased grin, his eyes doing a quick scan before settling once more on the spider's face.

Alastor was dressed almost the same as always, save for a few changes here and there. The inner shirt was black instead of the usual red, the bow tie's colors were inverted, and the pinstripe suit's coattails were actually fixed instead of the frayed mess he usually wears. He looked good, and Angel made sure to let him know it.

"Well hot stuff no need to sell yourself short and stand there ogling. Don't we got somewhere to be?" Throwing a wink at the grinning deer demon Angel saunters out of his room, the Shadow Alastor taking its place behind its master. "But I'm glad you like it, Cheri helped out. She thought you would appreciate a bit of a possessive spin on my usual get up."

"And that I do, tell her she's a darling like always. Let's be going now, I've got reservations for a swell little restaurant that serves the best venison. Well best second only to mine." With a chuckle Alastor puts his hand out for Angel to grab hold on, to which he does happily.

With a light tap on the ground from his mic cane a gateway opened up, he couldn't see to the other side, but Alastor wasn't the type to send his soulmate into an eldritch nightmare without at least letting him know first.

The sound of rapidly approaching footsteps signaled the unwanted return of the resident bitch, not Angel for once. Vaggie, having probably heard Alastor arriving was stalking closer, more like storming, with her spear ready.

"Maldito cabron ven-" She gritted out as she threw her spear in the two overlord's direction. If Angel had to say anything remotely positive about Vaggie was that this crazy bitch had some balls.

Gently nudging Angel Dust to go into the gateway he created, Alastor sidesteps the incoming spear with much more practiced grace than Angel would be able to muster. Angel has a strong suspicion that this is a common occurrence and that one of the two participants sees this as nothing more than a fun little game.

"Nice to see you too dear, now if you excuse us, we have to be somewhere that's not here at the moment." With those words, cutting off Vaggie's angry rant about their responsibilities or some shit, Alastor and Angel disappear in the black inky void of the gateway.

When they could get a look at their surroundings Angel saw that it was a quaint little hole in the wall restaurant, nothing fancy but definitely homey. Reminded him of some of the places he used to go to with Molly when he was alive and not doped out of his mind. That thought sent a wave of nostalgia through the ex mafioso, it feels so long ago. Last time he thought about his past life was only in reference to Alastor, so with him now by his side those thoughts have laid neglected in his mind. He...was a complete mess, but it all led him here. And he wouldn't change a single thing.

"What's with the head in the clouds look mon ange?"

"It's nothing, just reminiscing 's all. Come on, I'm starving Al."


By the time dinner was over and the rest of their little date was ending, Alastor suddenly seemed extremely on edge about something. By on edge though it means that he was slightly twitchier than normal and that he constantly asked Angel how he was feeling. When Angel called him out on the odd behavior, he simply laughed it off and said he was as 'I'm simply aces.'

When the pair had left the restaurant, Angel thought they would head back to the tower and relax. Maybe drink a bit and continue talking, but while they did head towards the tower it was not the one, he was originally expecting. They were heading towards Angel's studio; they don't usually spend time here since the whole sex and adult themes make Alastor uncomfortable. The secretary greeted them with a happy but confused good evening, and as they entered the elevator to head to Angel's office Alastor finally explained.

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