Chapter 2

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'Deer daddy taking ya out? N I C E.'
'Sorry to say but I can't help with that. Never been the romance type. Lucky bastard got yourself a sugar daddy.'
'a nice one 2'
'In comparison'

'You ain't being helpful!'
'Al's so nice and shit and he aint even interested in sex! So what the hell am I supposed to do?!'

'IDK. Be normal? What do people do on dates that don't end in sex? Hold hands?'

'Bambi don't like getting touched. He don't mind so much now but still don't want to make him uncomfortable ya know?'

Angel was half naked laying on his comfy bed in the hotel. He was too lazy to move his stuff back to his tower and besides, Alastor was staying in the hotel too so he didn't really leave. He's been fretting over what he should wear and without good reason, he'd look good either way. But it's the fact that it's for a DATE that has him going down this downwards spiral of doubt and nervousness. Cherri was not helping either; she's great in many things, watching his back and supporting him is one of them, but romance is something neither of them has ever truly prepared for. She's more the type to burn down buildings and reave chaos than ever talk or handle something mushy like love, he was like that for a while too. Until he died that is, then he could focus on finding his soulmate. Sadly, Val nearly ruined him and his chances of ever being happy, but ironically enough Al is truly a devilish godsend.

Angel found himself spacing out and daydreaming before he was snapped out of his train of thoughts by a new message.

'gross ur all sweet and caring now. I thought u were like that with me'

'better make way sister cuz this spider got himself a man that CARES'

'Still love you tho. Ima see what the hell I can wear. Should I be less slutty?'
'I probs should huh'

'Oh! What if you wear red? He wears it lots.'
'Don't know about deer DEMONS but aren't deer territorial or some shit?'
'It would show ur his, obvs make him wear ur colors another time cuz that's just fair. Plus him in pink sounds disgustingly cute.'
''Sides you look hot in black.'

'I FUCKING love it! Ima see if I even own any red. I'll keep u updated on whether or not this goes good.'

'U better. Good luck. Have fun, sadly not too much fun but still.'
'Give Buck daddy my condolences.'

Angel let out an amused and unattractive snort at the new nickname, he made note to call Alastor that soon. The mental image of Al wearing white, and pink also wormed its way into his mind, and he found it even funnier, he'd look like a strawberry shortcake! Especially with his red hair to be the berry on top. He'd probably hate it, but Angel would lie if he said that deep down the image didn't pleased him. Hmmm he never considered himself the possessive type but then again, he never felt actually proud of who he was with until now, the idea of everyone knowing he's Al's soulmate and vice versa was very nice.


An hour later he was checking himself in the mirror, proud of his choice. He didn't exactly own anything red that wasn't lingerie or one of his show outfits, so he settled with stealing one of Al's many many suits and leaving him an IOU. Being a whole foot and a half taller than Al meant he couldn't exactly wear his clothes as intended, which is fine because it made it look cute since it appeared shorter when he wore it. He had his signature boots but instead of his usual skirts he decided to go with shorts. Closer to pants without being stuffy so if Al had any issues, he better suck it up cuz Angel wasn't about to change after all that work. But Angel was confident Al wouldn't have any problems with his outfit, it's not like he's going out naked or anything.

Now Al never specified where they would go, Angel suspects its some restaurant or some fancy ass place, but he could care less. If he could go around Hell showing off that he snatched himself THE radio demon, pretty much got him handed to him on a silver fucking platter, he'd sit through any fancy dinner full of arrogant or pretentious jealous demons. The idea of making them fearful and envious of their bond was so good too! Him, a whore turned overlord, a real pretty woman scenario.

Angel was nearly done with his makeup when a knock sounded at his door, if he wasn't already used to people rushing him when he was getting ready, he would've messed up his liner and need to start over. But he thankfully didn't, simply pausing for a second to listen to whoever it was before shrugging and finishing up before going over to open the door.

"Who the fuck is it? I'm in the middle of- Oh what the hell are you doing at my door? I was having a good day too." With arms crossed Vaggie stood at the entrance of his room, her face set in her typical scowl and her tiny ass foot tapping away impatiently.

"Nobody can find Alastor, Charlie needs to talk to him and he's nowhere to be found. Do YOU know where the fucking cabrón is?"

"He'll show up soon enough, we've got a date. Tell Charls to calm down, he's probably halfway across hell right now doing something or the other. Overlord crap." With a roll of his dual tone eyes Angel explains to the short moth demon, who only scowls harder.

"You two seriously bailing on your job to-to go out?! We all have jobs to do, it sounds like you two are just looking for an excuse to bail again." Her glare and accusatory tone almost had him cackling but he kept it under control for now, maybe he could get her to yell.

"What? Nah, never. We're super dedicated to our jobs, it sounds more like your jealous nobody's taking a bite from your fish taco. Now if you excuse me, I've got a hot date soon." With that said Angel closed the door in the fuming short woman's face. Her protest cut short as he uses his newfound power to soundproof the room.

It's a handy skill he developed recently, works well for the studio and whenever Al's broadcasting and Angel just feels like relaxing in his lounge waiting for the deer demon to finish. A godsend in this hell hole for avoiding angry lesbians, worth killing his past pimp over, 100%.

He still didn't know the full range of his skills now, Alastor said he would help him soon, but the sneaky bastard hasn't said anything since so Angel just kinda practiced a bit by his lonesome. His venom has grown more potent as well, not only does it force a victim to experience a potent high but with enough of it he thinks he could render someone catatonic or even outright kill lesser demons. He hasn't tried that yet though, so it's all in theory so far. He'll have to bring it up after the date or something and see if Al's up for some one on one non sexy experimentation.

Angel had sat down in his bed ready to, heaven forbid, read something in order to distract himself, while the time passed when movement from the corner of the room caught his eye. He smiled giddily before standing up and walking over to the sentient shadow of his soulmate.

"'bout time, where's Al? Oh, but before he get's here, what do you think? Hot or what?" Angel asked the shadow Alastor as he did a halfhearted turn. Honestly, he didn't need the validation, but it felt nice when the shadow nodded enthusiastically.

A knock from his door alerted him of Al's arrival and with a happy grin towards the now retreating shadow he went to answer the love of his life. This was going to be great.

A/N: I've been gone for quite a while but personal life, Covid, and my little webtoon side project called Struggimento has taken up most of my time. For those curious about my webtoon it has demons and angels, plus I post every saturday a new chapter.

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