Chapter 6

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Setting out to murder an annoying talking 8ft tall television screen with your significant other from what Alastor has come to understand, is far more entertaining than committing mass murder alone. Maybe couples who kill together do stay together because he doesn't see himself ever letting the spider go anytime soon. He didn't have to prepare beforehand; weapons would only slow him down on the way there and Angel was more than capable of carrying his own weaponry. Although seeing him use his more potent venom and webs would be incredibly satisfying, Vox pathetically struggling in a web as strong as steel like a pathetic fat fly is an image Alastor will keep in mind for later.

Right now, both of them had to rendezvous with Husk and Niffty in Vox's main tower in the Greed circle. By the time the soulmates made it there the two other demons should have completed their task, if not he'll just punish Husk about his tardiness later. Poor cat WAS growing old, unlike Alastor who only seemed to gain more energy in the past months after meeting Angel. It's like his spark for life and all its horrible entertaining wonders and misfortunes has revived!

With a tap of his cane to the ground and an overexaggerated flourish of his hand, a spiraling dark portal opened up.

"Now my dear, would you do me the honor of following me to a certainly thrilling battle to the death?"

"Pssht as if you have to ask, Al. You can ask me if I want to go to Imp city and I'd say yes, and that place is a crap show."

"Then after you, mon ange."

Walking though they found themselves in the entrance of the TV station where Vox conducted his operation. The man really did build an impressive tower, Alastor would give him that, it's broadcast tower itself was covered mostly by dark red clouds, the steadily blinking red light nearly invisible up above. Looking around in confusion, Angel turned to the radio demon by his side.

"Why didn't you warp us a few floors higher? You do realize this tower has well over 50 floors, right?"

"Dramatics for one part, but also because his power; although inferior, does prevent me from getting any closer with my own powers. A petty move on his part, he should just accept he's not long for this world with what little grace he could dig up from the sewer he must have crawled out of when he arrived in Hell."

"Wow Al, tell us how you really feel why don't ya. He wasn't always a piece of shit, not like Val. He at least stood up for me on like...-" Counting in his head real quick Angel continued. "-two occasions."

"Did you know at one point in our initial meeting, he wished to take me to bed? Disgusting really, not even a proper greeting before he spewed that garbage."

"First of all, I did the same. And second, I need to hear more about this AFTER we kill the guy. I smell some juicy story that you've been holding out on. Young new Overlord Al getting people fawn-ing over him left and right. I better watch out or someone might try and steal you away." Smirking at his own joke Angel sent a wink to the irate yet smiling deer.

With a scoff, Alastor shuts his eyes in contemplation momentarily before responding to the taller demon besides him. "That would never happen, dear. But if it were even a possibility, I wouldn't doubt you would destroy them beautifully."

"Damn fucking right I would."

With that said they venture inside the broadcast tower. It was crawling with demons of all shapes and sizes, many of which were more than happy to run away at the sight of them. A clock on the wall indicated that it has been approximately 10 minutes since he had sent Niffty and Husk away, by the time they reached Vox the two of them would most likely be done and this encounter would go by much smoother. Just in time for dinner actually, what stroke of luck.

As they made their way through the tower, they didn't kill anyone who wasn't purposely trying to fight them, Alastor oh so hates murdering those so much weaker than him for no reason after all. He even turned a blind eye to a little sheep demon who was trying so hard to hide from him, as if her trembling and crying figure wasn't easy enough to spot. He should be considered a saint amongst the devils of hell at this point, if one were to ignore his many murders and live torture sessions that is. 

At one point Angel took out his dreadful little cellular device and called someone, from the sounds of the conversation it seemed to be Cherri Bomb. The spunky woman heard clearly despite Alastor not even straining to listen in.

"Girl, you won't believe what me and Al are about to do. Im'a send you my location, come over ASAP and make sure to bring your toys... No not those, the blowy ones. Trust me this will be worth busting out the big guns... Kay, see you in 5." Tapping away really quick with his spare pair of hands Angel sent Cherri something before hanging up and putting away his phone.

Noticing Alastor's curious glance, Angel quickly explained to him why he called the trigger-happy cyclops.

"Cherri's gonna provide us some extra support. She really fucking hates Vox too and this will be like a dream come true for her."

Nodding in understanding Alastor quickly got out of the way as a hell hound was barreling towards him, fangs barred and claws out ready to rend flesh from bone. Instinctually he felt himself tense at the sight, but it was imperceivable to anyone else. Feeling his power in the palm of his hand he ripped open the fabric in space, calling forth the writhing black tentacles that sprung forth and clutched at the big hell hound. With nary any effort the demon dog was torn in two, his body and blood falling into the pocket realm where Alastor's eldritch invocations thrived.

Stepping over the spilt viscera and gore, the deer man extended a clawed hand to his paramour to take. Like the true gentleman he was he helped the spider to step over it without getting his boots dirty to which Angel Dust responded with an over exaggerated swoon once their hands separated.

"If this is how you treated the ladies back when you were alive then it's no wonder you were such an effective killer. They would probably be begging for you to stick anything inside of them by the end of the night."

"Oh darling, they did beg. Once I was done, they pleaded so nicely for an end to their misery, a shame we couldn't have shared that together before now."

"You know, you really are fucked up, Al."

"I do."

"And I love you despite it, ya know?"

Smiling softer than he has in a while, Alastor reaches out to grasp at Angel's hand. Giving it a reassuring squeeze, he lifted the gloved hand to his lips where he placed a comforting kiss.

"I do. And I feel the same, mon ange."

Nearing the big, overembellished doors that led to Vox's office, they took a second to treasure the moment. This would be the second overlord Angel faces in battle, the first one he faces as an overlord himself and while he wouldn't admit it, Alastor could tell his soulmate was nervous. He's suffered at the hands of this demon just as he suffered from Valentino's. And for that, Alastor would relish every second of what was to come.

It's been a long time coming.

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