Chapter 1

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Less than three months have passed since the death of Valentino, summer was ending, and fall was just around the corner. Not that the other demons cared for the changing of seasons down in Hell, but the closer to winter it gets the closer the next cleansing will occur, and nobody wanted to be caught outside when it happened. All overlords were more than prepared to wait out the purging the angels would eventually bring them but for one demon this was his first time handling it without another protecting him. No, this time he called the shots, he didn't have to hope his previous overlord would give him a break and let him wait out the cleansing. Instead he could keep himself safe without worrying about an overlord getting pissed at him and throwing him out for the angels to deal with. And the new appointed overlord spider LOVED IT.

The first month had been difficult, he's never had to boss people around, even in the mafia he'd been a lackey to his dad and brother. And while the new position of power did get to his head a little, how could it not? He was his own boss damnit and he was going to enjoy his newfound freedom to the fullest! Already he thought he was a much better overlord than Val had been. The demons under Val's contract had transferred to him after his death and unlike the moth, he wasn't about to treat his whores and porn stars like crap. He was a bit strict, like any responsible boss should be but he didn't outright torture or abandon the demons at the slightest error.

He had to work out a proper work schedule for everyone and since Al wouldn't touch this building with a 10ft pole and everyone at the hotel wanted nothing to do with the sex industry he had to rely on his own skill and Cherri Bomb's assistance to get all this shit sorted out. It's surprising how well a pyromaniac and drag queen work at managing a whole industry when they don't get to worry about another overlord breathing down their neck. The demons that worked for him even became more motivated and productive, so he was definitely doing something right. Charlie even commented that it might motivate the demons to seek a healthier lifestyle or some shit like that, Alastor simply teased that Angel had a soft spot for the whores and sex workers. Which... well he ain't wrong, they'd all been under the same asshole overlord for far too long and it's about damn time someone cut them some slack.

The denizens of Hell weren't all that surprised Angel had taken Val's title and land, they were surprised when Cherri was declared his second in command though. She was ruthless in defending the territory and Angel wouldn't want it any other way, he's glad that pyromaniac bitch is his best friend.


Angel was currently on his way back to the hotel. He'd been out shopping for new clothes, he had to look better than ever now that he was an overlord. He had a total of four bags, two on each of his second pair of arms while the main pair fiddled with his phone. After searching through his contacts, he finally finds the person he was looking for. He doesn't know how the number made it's way into his contact list but he suspects the princess had her little butlers give everyone in the hotel her number.

'Yo, Charlie, tell Al ima be there in 5'

'Have a surprise for ya, ima show u later'

'Okie dokie, Angel. I wish I could have joined you, but I was super busy .'

'A surprise? OMG! Thank you, Angel!'

'Oh, did you eat already? If not, Al was cooking today, and it should be ready by the time you get here.'

'No need for thanks, I know I'm amazing.'

'Hell yessss! I'm fucking starving right now. Scratch what I said, be there in 2.'

With the promise for one of Al's great meals ahead Angel sped up his gait. He ignored the licentious stares of the demons that were out in the streets, he was aware of their want; hard not to when you were Hell's #1 whore but he's been so busy with being an overlord and finally having Al all to himself that he hasn't had time for a good fuck. And hasn't felt the need to in a while, although now that he thought of it, he sure was beginning to actually crave a good hard rawing. He'd have to get out soon and take care of that.

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