Chapter 7

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Standing before Vox's broadcasting room was an experience, last time he was in the overlord's presence he had been one of Val's toy's to be passed around for his powerful friends to do as they pleased. But today he stood here as an equal, no. More so than that, here he stood as a superior, a being greater than the television host could ever hope to be. With his soulmate by his side and his best friend close by wreaking chaos outside in his honor close by he was more than ready to prove he wasn't just Val's sloppy seconds.

Stepping into the room ahead of them was like a horrible fever dream, screens lined the walls, cables hung from the ceiling and littered the ground like coiled snakes just waiting for one to trip over them, and the incessant sound of television static rang in the air. It made his head feel fuzzy, unable to properly focus. If not for the steadying gloved hand of Alastor on his shoulder he would have probably lost himself to the noise.

That television bastard always liked to fuck with peoples heads through his signals, yet Alastor seemed unbothered. Perhaps it was due to the wendigo's affinity to radio waves giving him some sort of defense or perhaps he's simply used to Vox's games at this point, he didn't know and didn't really care. So long as one of them had a clear enough head to fight this fucker he wouldn't care if Al's trick was fucking backstreet boys playing on his head on repeat.

"Come on out you bastard. We're done playing your stupid ass games!" Angel yelled into the room, his voice echoing only to be met with silence.

"Always knew the old man was too cowardly to face me directly but this is a new low for him. Threats and dramatics but no actual sustenance? You've grown boring." Al said tauntingly, stepping over the piles of wires, his microphone cane twirling on his hand before he brought it down on the nearest tv screen with a sharp grin.

As they walked further into the room, the entire left wall lit up, the televisions coming to life and displaying one singular image.

The image displayed seemed to be a still frame of Alastor and Angel Dust himself, both covered in blood and grinning like maniacs at each other. This image did not remain still for long however, as the next second it came to life, going in reverse to the point where it paused once more temporarily and a voice rang out through the room, coming from the speakers.

"How sweet of you two, soulmates fated to meet in the afterlife. So special to see a bonded pair down here..." Vox's disembodied voice said, taunting and infuriating. The constant static in his voice was bringing back memories of darker days for Angel.

The scene playing on the television screen was familiar to Angel, both him and Alastor alone in a room with what looked to be behind them.

Television Angel seemed to reach out towards whatever was capturing the moment, a blade in hand, and as it connected to something a familiar scream rang out through the studio.

"But not. Special. Enough."

The scene then faded, replaced with Vox's angry glitching face.

Vox and... Val were... soulmates? Then what they just saw was... Val's final moments, through his eyes. Recorded in Vox's memories like some sort of snuff film. Vox saw that, he basically experienced it himself and couldn't do anything to stop his soulmate's death. If it wasn't for Angel knowing how both these demons were, he may actually feel some remorse, but the knowledge and memories of what those two put him through and made him do was enough to push it down. Vox was never as bad as Val, but he watched, he allowed and he fucking smiled about it. He did wonder why Val would even want to hang out with the other overlord, Vox was downright boring to someone like the disgusting moth but it seems this answered it. Meant to burn in hell together, a sickening thought knowing that him and Al shared a similarity to them. The only difference though is that they didn't prey on weak and vulnerable sinners.

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