Chapter 4

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An old black and white movie his mother really liked back when he was alive, he had gotten it in DVD back when Val was still around to see what his ma liked about it but never got around to watching it. Deducing this was probably old enough after giving the back of the box a quick read he shrugs and plops in in to watch, throwing himself next to Alastor and quickly snuggling up to the deer. With Fat Nuggets and the control clutched to his chest he almost presses play before he remembers the most important thing when having a movie day. Popcorn.

"Aaallll we need snacks. We can't watch something without snacks." Angel whined to his soulmate whose ears twitched above his head in irritation at the volume of the spider's voice.

"Then simply stand up and get some mon ange, it's only going to cost you a few minutes."

"It's going to cost me my comfort, I already got cozy here. Please Smiles, be a dear." Batting his eyes at the red demon by his side he gave him his best pleading look (which he's been told is impossible to resist but he ain't trying to get Al to fuck him silly).

"I already am one but very well. I'll fetch you that garbage you enjoy so much.'

With a resigned sigh Alastor stands and heads out, his shadow lingering in the room for a few seconds as if debating if it wants to stay or follow its master. Making a grabbing motion with his free arms to the shadow, Angel grins in satisfaction when the semi tangible mass of darkness got the message and goes to sit on the opposite side of where Al had been. It's almost like having a second more affectionate Alastor.

Attempting to press play on the tv resulted in odd static for a few seconds and an annoying white noise coming from the speakers but it left quickly. It gave him a bad feeling, a familiar uncomfortable feeling that he hasn't had since Val was around, but it passed as soon as the static died down. Shadow Al wasn't too thrilled about it either, his... eyes? The lack of darkness in his face that looked like eyes were glaring at the screen which probably meant something was wrong, but Angel couldn't point out exactly what was wrong. The shadow couldn't talk but no doubt that if Al was here, he would understand what upset him so much.

When Al came back with what he called microwaved garbage he gawked at the sofa where Angel had seemingly replaced him with his own shadow. He was about to say something when he stopped and just starred at the shadow for a solid ten seconds before acting as if that shit didn't happen.

"Uhm... What's with the weird starring Al?"

"Nothing to worry your pretty head over, cher. Let's just enjoy the movie, it does appear you have no space for me now though..." Alastor said while casting a glance at mostly full sofa, smile not wavering but his eyes were glaring slightly at his shadow.

Angel trusted Al and while he was indeed worried, he knows that he can ask Al later and get answers, right now they should take this time to relax before they need to face the hellscape that awaits them tomorrow. Dismissing his worries for now he laughs at Al's affronted expression. Even with his signature grin the clear discontent was evident.

"You can always sit on my lap." Giving his legs an inviting pat, Angel throws a wink at the deer demon before adding. "Kidding, I'll scoot over. But don't get so territorial with Shalastor, it's pointless."


"Shalastor. Ya know, shadow Alastor. He needs a name, Al. Now come on and sit, I haven't seen this one."

The movie itself wasn't bad, alcoholic playwriter marries a beautiful heiress much too good for him and make a life together, he becomes a cheating asshole which prompts her to leave while pregnant and sickly and he realizes he loves her more than he loves the skank he was fucking on the side and the career he tried to build for himself. There were some lighthearted moments thrown in for comedic effect and some scenes that were truly moving, he could see why his mom liked it. Its theme was very similar to her life, and the ending was probably the way she would have preferred for it to happen, minus the death. A pretty little fantasy with a bittersweet ending.

Angel was knocked out by the end of it, he couldn't explain why he felt so tired, but he found himself falling asleep as the credits rolled. Alastor was shushing him when he gave a confused mumble at the sudden tiredness and as his dual toned eyes closed, he felt Alastor give his head a short kiss. The last thing he remembers before it all went black was the feeling of Alastor's clawed hand combing through his hair and the sharp sudden sound of static that would normally keep him awake but he gave in to sleep and let it put him under. Al's here, he won't let anything happen.




Alastor sat on the sofa, one leg crossed over the other while combing through Angel's hair as he peacefully rested his head on Alastor's shoulder. His shadow creeped closer to the television, circling it in agitation. Its smile sharp and claws extended in preparation as the image on the screen flickered. The static began to fizzle out and form an image. A terribly familiar face was now on the blue screen, the chromatic glitching making the demon's snarl more apparent.

"How sweet. Valentino's sloppy seconds and the washed up radio has been." Vox's voice came through the television's speakers, the audio so obnoxious it made Alastor's ears ring.

Alastor felt his irritation growing at the bastards' words. His mere presence enough to make Alastor feel an incoming yet definitely strong headache coming. Angel let out a tired groan from discomfort, he snuggled his face closer to Alastor's neck. The feedback from their bond likely made Alastor's incoming headache transfer to him as well.

Fat Nuggets let out a scarred squeal as it jumped from Angel's limp hold and ran under the bed.

"You are still the pompous show off I remember. All hat and no cattle. Don't you have anything else to do, you piece of shit television?"

Unlike with most demons and overlords, Vox was one of the only people Alastor could not stand. He was everything he stood against and despite being an overlord he was unsuited for the position. An imp could probably do the cultish bastard's job better than him.

"You've gone too far, Alastor. I'll be sure to make you and those you love suffer."

"Hmm, will you now? I seem to recall that anything within these walls is under protection now. You hold no power here and your petty threats are rather distasteful."

With a sharp smile and flick of a finger the televisions screen goes black. Vox's connection severed and blocked thanks to his shadow's clever claws. He's always hated the cocky television, they clashed far too often and with good reason, but his words were worrisome. He didn't like the thought of the talentless little snob threatening him with his pathetic displays of power but it's not him he's threatening. Glancing at his sleeping soulmate he feels the strong protective urge to defend and guard the spider; whether its because they're soulmates, his territorial deer instincts, his distaste at the television headed demon for even thinking he has a chance to ever hurt what is his, or maybe a combination of all three, he didn't care.

Feeling through his pinstripe coat he lets out a sigh at the weight he feels in one of the inner pockets. He'll have to do something about Vox before he proceeds with his plans, but he already gave his word to Angel. He won't allow the bastard to set a single mangy claw on his spider.

Picking up the much taller demon overlord, Alastor carries him over to his bed. Laying him down and tucking him in Alastor begins to plan. He had some strings to pull if he wanted to ensure that television host didn't get anywhere close to this hotel. Husk will not be pleased with what he will very likely do but it's not his job to like it, it's his job to follow orders. Hopefully the princess doesn't get too upset if her hotel turns into a battlefield. 

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