Chapter 5

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"Husker my old pal, I have a bit of an errand I need you to run."

Alastor exclaimed as he brazenly burst through the lobby, twirling his cane in one hand while the other was tucked behind his back. His crimson eyes locating the drunkard cat he has enslaved under contract since the start of his lordship here in hell. The gambling addicted feline felt his hair stand on edge when their eyes connected, he almost wanted to fly away before Alastor could get any words in, but he's tried before and no matter how much he runs the strawberry-colored bastard always just warps him back.

"What'd ya want this time? Bad enough I'm stuck in this shit job, now you gonna make me do more?" Taking a swing of the booze bottle held tightly by his claws Husk glares at the radio demon and his ever-present malicious grin.

"Of course! Who else am I to trust if not my dearest of friends? Worry not, you will be compensated handsomely, and this will be one task you will most certainly enjoy." Producing a red paper from thin air he slides it over the counter towards the winged cat demon.

Glancing down at it, his eyes squinted in suspicion, Husk looks over the contents written on it. A series of numbers, seemingly random but after inspecting it closer he realized their true meaning. Coordinates.

"The hell am I supposed to do with this?" Angrily tapping at the paper with his claw, the bartender looks over to his overlord waiting for him to deem it fit to answer.

"Something quite simple really, go here and meet up with an informant. Eliminate them, all in a day's work. A quick in and out."

"How the fuck am I going to find this place? I don't own a damn hell phone; you don't allow us!"

With a smirk and a quirked eyebrow Alastor waved his hand through the air, the dimensions distorting briefly before in a flurry of ancient voodoo symbols another, rolled up piece of paper materialized.

"Old school. Have fun old pal!" With that said he turn on his heels and walks away, this time in search of little Niffty. Cackling to himself as he heard Husk's angry yells and curses.

Oh how he loves to make the winged cat's life difficult. It's the highlight if his interactions with the man, really.

The little cyclops' speed and deadly skill set will benefit him greatly for the next task. Husk will call attention to another place, Niffty can eliminate another enemy right under their noses. Meanwhile he himself will handle the pathetic excuse for an overlord residing in the Greed circle. The less broadcast towers he has at his disposal the weaker his reach in Hell. His own fault really, for choosing such flimsy source of power. He'll show him what happens when a cocky demon breaches the territory and land of their superiors, in a slow and painful way. Preferably done by dinner time tomorrow so his Angel Dust and him could feast comfortably. Perhaps he'll make it a dinner party, invite the rest of the hotel staff and maybe even his dear friend Lucifer. It has been oh so long since he's cooked for a group.


Locating Niffty was incredibly simple, she's well trained to answer when Alastor calls and in reality it was her that found him.

"Niffty, darling, theres some pest I need for you to wipe out. A certain overlord has been encroaching towards our territory and I need someone to handle their men. Leave no survivors, understand?"

"Of course boss! I wont let you down, if some yucky demon even tries to escape I'll sever their tendons and make them watch their friends die first. I'll also be sure to clean up, it'll be like I was never there!" With the amount of enthusiasm and glee that the tiny demon was displaying one would not think she was talking about torture and murder but alas that is one of the reasons Alastor finds her so endearing.

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