The Night Shift

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"I'm officially tired as fuck," Nayeon said with exhaustion then slumped down into the cushioned seats of a booth.

I sat across from her and rested my head on my folded arms before letting out a tired sigh. It's been a long day of work at The Juice Bar and the last customer finally left, which meant I can finally go to the gym. I was usually at the gym from 9PM to 11PM but the night shift is from 8PM to 1AM, and I had to balance school with some errands all morning so my hands were tied.

I rarely take night shifts but my co-worker, Daniel, begged me to switch with him because he had a date tonight with some girl named 'Jihyo.' On the plus side, night shifts pay more.

Headlights shone into the store, drawing Nayeon's attention and she groaned, making me lift my head up to see what she was fussing about. We watched as some guy got out of the car and knocked on the window of our store, pleading to let him inside.

I walked over and pointed to the "CLOSED" sign and he put his hands in a prayer, begging me to open the door. He gave me a look of desperation paired with puppy eyes and a pouty lip. It suddenly hit me that I've seen this guy at the gym before and even though the gym is right next to our store, his workout should've been done around 10:30PM.

I'm not a stalker, it's just really hard for an incredibly attractive male to not go unnoticed. Especially by me because he's definitely good looking.

I unlocked the door and only opened a little crack to speak to him, "We're closed, I'm not letting you in."

"Please, help me out. I'm really thirsty and I forgot my water bottle at home," he said.

"Just go to the gym and buy water," I advised and tilted my head in the direction of the gym.

"No cash," he replied and flashed a card holder. "The gym only has vending machines that use coins and accept nothing else."

"Ugh, Jisoo, just let poor guy in. I'll take this one," Nayeon sighed and was already dragging her feet behind the counter.

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you," he repeated as I waved him off.

I went to the back of the store to grab my stuff and changed out of my work uniform to my black romper/sweater thing. I didn't know what it was called but whatever, it's cute. When I came back, the guy was walking out of the store and Nayeon had finished cleaning up.

"I'll lock up, you can head to the gym now, if you want," Nayeon told me and I thanked her before I left.

After walking inside the gym and changing into my matching Adidas workout clothes, I began my workout, doing the proper stretches first then moving onto weights and machines. All other sounds were silenced by the headphones I had on but my music stopped when I suddenly get a phone call from Nick, my fiancé.

"Where the fuck are you?" he muttered as soon as I picked up.

"The gym," I said a little quieter because there was another person in the gym with me.

I winced at the loud sound of glass shattering over the call. He was probably drunk again.

"You said you were at the gym. I need you to come home," he slurred this time.

"I'll be back soon," I replied through clenched teeth. I already knew I had to help him clean up the mess tomorrow morning, if not tonight.

"Baby, I want you... jus.. to know where."

"I'll be back soon, okay? Can you just sit still on the couch for me first?" I asked with my patience thinning.

"I love you," he said before a loud thump entered my eardrums, presumably from the dropping of his phone, then the call ended.

I turned my phone off and sighed, wishing I could say the same for him. Out of all the suitors my parents could've chosen, Nick Kyoto was considered the "best choice."

"Thank you for letting me in, by the way," a male voice said and I looked over to see the guy from before. The one who was begging me to let him into The Juice Bar.

This time, he was all sweaty from his workout and I gotta say, he looked even better than I remember from the other times I've seen him at the gym.

"No problem," I said and began to gather my things.

I heard him stifle a little laugh as he sat on a nearby bench doing biceps curls with a dumbbell and I looked at him with a skeptical eye. There was literally nobody else at the gym, what can he be laughing about?

"What's so funny?" I asked him as I stood up.

He shook his head, the smile never leaving his face. I ignored him and I walked past to get to the change room. I was kind of enjoying the quietness and personal space of the gym at 3 in the morning.

Inside the change room, I grabbed my body wash and towel from my locker and headed towards the co-ed shower room. Don't worry, the showers had separate stalls for each one so it wasn't really a big deal that men and women share them.

I turned the water on and began my shower. The steaming hot water felt so good against my sore muscles. I was humming FourFiveSeconds aloud when I heard somebody walk into another stall, turning on the water as well. I stopped the humming and nothing but the sound of water continued for a few moments before the other person spoke up.

"Um, excuse me. Other person in the shower right now?" the guy from before called out. I could recognize his voice now. Only because it was attractive.

"Yes?" I asked with confusion as to why he was talking to me while I was showering.

"Do you mind if I play some music on my speaker?"

"Uh, go ahead. It better be good music though," I told him, then heard his very faint chuckle.

He turned the music on and the same song I was humming before echoed throughout the showers. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the music as I cleansed myself. Giving my face a little rinse, I opened my eyes and screeched at the sight of a spider hanging off the shower head, inches from my face.

"Oh, my fucking god!" I yelled and stumbled backwards.

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