The Shower Stall

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I peeked in the shower room to hear him showering in a stall with the door wide open and I slowly approached with towel wrapped around my body. Y/N was washing himself, his butt looking as good as it did yesterday, and I entered the stall. When I closed the door behind me, he turned his head to look.

He fully turns around and now I was a little hesitant to look down, making him smile when he saw me look away. He stepped closer to me and I did too.

He held my chin up as he pressed a soft kiss onto my lips. The feeling of his lips on mine couldn't compared to when Nick kisses me. This felt electric. When he pulled away, my eyes met his and his touched the opening of my towel.

"May I?" he asked.

"Okay," I replied but it sounded like a whisper over the music playing.

Y/N undid the towel and let it fall to the floor. His eyes looked down my body slowly and he swallowed hard. "Damn," he let out then looked at my eyes again.

Was I crazy to think he might have the most beautiful features I've ever seen? I mean, his eyes shined like diamonds and his lips were irresistibly pink and plump. Speaking of which, I pulled his head down to kiss him, running my tongue along his bottom lip. I could taste the pineapple from the drink on his tongue. When I tugged on his hair, he hummed onto my lips.

"Mmm. Why are you so alluring?" he asked and lifted me up, putting my back against the cold stall door.

I tried really hard not to cringe at what I could be pressed up against and thought about his fiery kisses on my neck. Nick had never made me feel this way before, but he's also never made me feel anything at all.

"Ready?" he mumbled.

I rested my forehead on his and ran my hands through his wet hair, "Yes."

"Are you sure?" he asked and adjusted the position of his hands to grip my thighs.

"I trust you." I gulped, knowing it'll probably hurt at first, but when he slid into me, he went slow enough for the pain to feel pleasurable. And in no time, Y/N was moaning quietly into my ear.

He kissed me to stop any noise from escaping my mouth as he finally went all the way. I knew, now, that Nick was a definite contrast from Y/N—which I should've known from the second I saw Y/N naked. There was a slightly obvious difference.

We heard a bottle drop from somewhere in the shower room and looked at each other in panic.

"Should we stop?" he mouthed.

"Don't," I practically begged.

A devilish grin spread across his face before he clenched his jaw and continued thrusting into me. We tried our hardest to keep ourselves quiet. I even bit my bottom lip to prevent any whimpers and he kept eye contact with me, as if watching me struggle was the only fuel to his engine.

I was really hoping the music was drowning out his moans because they were all I heard. I didn't even realize he wasn't going too deep until his last few thrusts that come in hard, letting a short but loud moan out of me.

I covered my mouth with my hand and we both kept quiet to hear if anybody noticed. He pulled out and I finally felt myself relax, but unable to stand on my own at the moment.

"That was amazing, Jisoo," he whispered and I blushed a little because it was really amazing. He was amazing.

"Yeah... I have to go soon," I said, "It's not because of you, I just... have to make sure my sister can pick me up tonight." A complete lie. I had to leave because Nick wanted to pick me up tonight. Although, instead of a sister, I had a spoiled older brother whom my parents cherished dearly.

"I can drive you," he said and his face lights up.

"It's better if you don't." As soon as the words left my mouth, Y/N looked a little hurt.

That came out wrong, didn't it?...

"Oh. Yeah, you're right," he said with disappointment.

I just hurt his feelings, didn't I? Damn...

I quickly came up with an explanation. "My sister would probably ask me a million questions about you if she knew you're driving me home."

"Siblings are very annoying, aren't they?" he smiled.

I smiled too and pulled him down to kiss me one last time. What can I say, it was getting extremely difficult to resist the urge.

"Definitely," I replied.

After speeding out of the gym before Y/N, I quickly located the black Rolls Royce waiting for me outside. Of course, Nick called a chauffeur to get me so he didn't have to drive. He better not be drinking in the backseat when I see him.

"There's my girl," Nick said as I let myself in before Geoffrey, our butler, had a chance to. It'd take too long that way.

Nick planted a kiss on my lips and I pulled away to tell the chauffeur to hurry up and leave. Y/N cannot and will not question the Rolls Royce outside of the gym.

"How's the gym?" Nick asked me and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"It was... okay. I'm kind of tired, can we not talk on the way home?" I said and leaned on his shoulder.

Nick honestly felt like more of a good friend to me and I'm not just saying that because my parents didn't really allow me to have a social life. I guess you can call him a friend with benefits.

He gave me a kiss on the head and I closed my eyes, still thinking about Y/N. My phone vibrated and the screen lite up with Mrs. Kim on the front, my mother.

"It's 3 in the morning, mother-"

"You and Nick need to be ready and fitted for tomorrow's gala at Metro, 9-3."

Not even a hello... That's mother.

"Your father and I have already sent the tailored suit for him and a lovely dress should be waiting for you. 9 AM sharp, don't be late."

With that, she ended the call.

As you can tell, this "family" of mine was purely nothing but business.

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