The Comfy Couch

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"Water?" Y/N asked as he walked to the fridge in his kitchen.


I followed him to the kitchen island where a stack of papers were spread across the table. I glimpsed at one of them and instantly snapped my attention back to the words: Nick Kyoto's getting comfortable with models at the Metro Gala held for his fiancée, Kim Jisoo. Way to make an impression on the family, Nick.

"What?!" I said angrily through clenched teeth and gripped both sides of the magazine tightly with both my hands.

It wasn't Nick who I was upset with, it was my parents. I knew they'd probably have something to do with the fact that my father wanted to "talk to him." I put the magazine back down and composed myself, taking a couple of deep breaths and trying to think this through, trying to understand why my parents would do something like this.

"You were already engaged when we, um, you know," Y/N said and I remembered I was still in his apartment. "You were... weren't you?"

I sighed, "Yes. And I'm so sorry if that... c-caused you any repercussions... I'm... just sorry." I had trouble finding the words to say. I wasn't really sure what I can even say about this.

"Looks like your fiancé cheated on you multiple times, and with multiple people. You shouldn't be sorry for anything." Y/N stepped closer to me, tilting my chin up to look at him. "It's really fucked up—what he did. Let's get back him," he said and pressed his lips onto mine.

His savouring kiss will never get old.

He lifted me onto the counter top and I held him close with my nails lightly scratching his back. His tongue played with mine and his hands crept under my shirt, taking it off of me slowly. Then he brought me to the couch and set me down on my back, leaving some kisses down my neck before coming back up to kiss my lips.

"I'll be right back," he said and I pulled his head to me for another kiss before he left.

My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I took it out. After seeing it was my mother calling, most likely to complain about the paparazzi photos of Y/N and I, I completely shut my phone off and tossed it onto the coffee table when Y/N came back.

We didn't waste any time to take our clothes off and he settled on top of me. For the next few minutes, all I heard was the soft sound of his grunts in my ear. This couch became way too comfortable for me...

"Your neighbours... are going to hate you," I warned him before moaning a little too loudly.

"I don't fucking care," he said roughly.

I pushed him up to straddle his lap, holding the back of the couch, and he sucked on the sweet spot under my jaw as we moved in sync. After both of us reached our highs, I stayed seated on his lap, brushing away the hair stuck to his forehead by his sweat.

"So why that guy?... Why Nick?" Y/N asked.

But I didn't know how to answer that. My options were an old man in his 60s with a horrible personality, a professional dumbass with a PhD in nail biting, a spoiled idiot who didn't get off his ass, or Nick, a 28-year-old apparent drunk whom I didn't find attractive—but it wasn't like I found the other candidates any more than attractive than he was.

"You're Kim Jisoo. You spend all your extra time volunteering at food banks, donating all your pay-checks to charities and you chose to get an education to pursue a career in teaching underprivileged kids," he continued.

The funny thing was, my parents controlled the press but everything Y/N just mentioned was true, which meant that he's definitely done some extensive investigation on me. But why?

"Who wouldn't want you?" he finished with a slow and remarkably passionate kiss.

"Apparently, my family," I admit. I'd never thought I'd be saying those words but I just did.

Y/N gave me a look, as if he knew exactly what I meant by it. Still, I couldn't help but take the look sympathetically.

"I know it might seem like I'm talking out of my ass here, but there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do for you," he told me, yet that's what ever other guy has ever told me.

I faked a smile and leaned down for a kiss because it's better than a blank stare, then I rested my forehead on his.

"There's a party at the Pinnacle, and I'm sure you know about it. You should go," I said.

The Pinnacle is a casino on the lower east side of the city. It's every poor man's pot of gold and a millionaire's worst nightmare—if they didn't know how to play a game of Blackjack.

"That depends... Will you be there?"

His eyes gleamed with a sudden curiosity, like it would be his next mission to find me there.

"Why do you think I'm asking?" I smiled.

I got up from his lap to grab my phone. Even after having sex, I still had priorities—by that, I really meant problems to attend to, but Y/N got up too and hugged me from behind.

He kissed my shoulder lightly. "I'm not finished with you," he declared. I turned around with a smirk and he lifted me up. He brought me to his bedroom and put me down on the refreshing silky material of his duvet. "Ready for round 2?"

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