The Unexpected Millionaire

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On the other side of the city, I was back to normally scheduled online classes, work and gym hours. But a also found myself looking at every entering customer at The Juice Bar, hoping one of them would be Y/N. I don't know... There was an unexplainable magnetism I had towards him and it made me want to discover more of who he was.

My co-worker, Daniel, switched a shift with Nayeon today. He was definitely having a great time with his new girlfriend.

"Hey, Daniel," I aid when the costumer count died down a little, "Have you heard of the name 'Lee Y/N' before?"

He laughed to himself, "Are you kidding?"

"Do I look like I am?" I asked with a serious expression on my face.

"There's no way you don't know who he is."

Daniel pulled out his phone and excessively tapped his fingers on the screen, then showed me a magazine cover with Y/N's face on it with the words: Lee Y/N, the best dressed on the MAG red carpet tonight.

MAG, possibly the biggest film producing company ever—Film as in mainstream Hollywood production movies.

"CEO of MAG, charity ambassador, millionaire businessman? You really don't know who he is?" Daniel asked with shock written all over him. "How did you even hear of his name then?"

"I met him from-" I cut myself short thinking of the shower situation, "Somewhere..."

I found it fairly ironic how Daniel knew exactly who Y/N was but didn't have a doubt of who I was. Not that it mattered, it's actually better he didn't know my family or who I really was.

"You've met him? Did you see his Ferrari F8? Or his GT3?"

"Nope. I don't care about cars like you do," I laughed and helped the customers who just walked in.

"Wait, so where did you meet him? At his million-dollar mansion?"

I ignored his questions and handed him the drink orders.

I kept wondering to myself how I've never heard of Lee Y/N even though he was said to have such a prestigious lifestyle. I met him at the gym on this side of the city yet I've never seen him at any parties on the other side where my parents were attentive to invite every multi-millionaire they knew of.

"Holy shit, is that Lee Y/N?" a customer squealed in excitement before she pulled out her phone and ran up to the man who walked through the door.

Hold on... At the very least, how did Nayeon not know of him?

"What did he drive here?" said Daniel and leaned over to scan the parking lot.

"Pineapple smoothie with a hint of Banana," Y/N said as he approached the counter I stood behind.

"I'll help you, sir, she's off duty right now," Daniel said and pushed me in the direction of the back room. He wasn't wrong. 11PM was the end of my shift.

I took my apron off and put on my packed my stuff. I said my farewell to Daniel before I exited the store. Walking outside, I checked my phone for any messages from Nick and suddenly, somebody ran into me. Then unreliable cap of the smoothie cup they held popped off and spilled the cold contents down the front of my shirt.

"Shit. I'm so sorry," he said. I looked up to see Y/N with a guilty face.

"Ohh, it's cold. It's so cold," I said as the slush dripped to the ground on my feet, effectively soaking my socks and shoes. "I'm an idiot."

"There's Y/N!" someone exclaimed and the flashes of cameras began to surround us.

As if this situation wasn't embarrassing enough, there were now hard copies that will surely reach the internet in no time. I guess that's goodbye to this job... and this gym.

I covered my face with my sticky hands and Y/N pulled me back, holding me against him as people—his bodyguards...?—fended the paparazzi off, allowing us the time to get into the backseat of a chauffeured car.

"I'm so, so sorry about that," he told me before turning to his driver, "The apartment."

I took my shoes and socks off as the stickiness was making my skin crawl.

"Ugh... These were my favourite," I complained about the smoothie-stained leather of my white sneakers and my Lilo and Stitch socks that Y/N chuckled at.

"Cute socks. Did your daddy buy those for you?" he teased.

I shot him a glare. "Daddy is gonna have to buy me another pair," I mocked with a sarcastic voice. "Now, I have to wear my gym shoes."

"What's wrong with that?"

"They're indoor shoes," I said as if it's obviously barbaric to wear them outdoor.

"I'll just buy you another pair of shoes then. Problem solved," he said and flashed a charming smile but I didn't buy it.

"It's okay. I don't need you to pay for anything. Just, maybe throw away these clothes."

"Hold on." Y/N reached over the seat and handed me a towel that was folded in the way for my name is be front and center. "I dry cleaned it for you."

I couldn't tell if it was romantic that he wanted to return it to me or weird that he kept my dirty towel. I decided to call it a compromise between both thoughts because this whole situation was a mess.

"Thanks," I said and accept my towel. "Are you going to take me home now?"

"My place first, Miss Kim. We need to discuss something," Y/N said.

I never told him my last name so how did he find out? Unless, he knew... oh god, he knew who I was. Did he know about Nick?

Getting out of the car with Y/N's help, we stood on the sidewalk in front of a tall apartment building with my dirty shoes and socks in hand. I probably looked very skeptical of my surrounds but that's because I clearly was. The "million-dollar mansion" Daniel was talking about earlier was nowhere to be seen.

I walked barefoot across the lobby then entered the elevator with Y/N to reach his apartment on the 18th floor. I tried my hardest to ignore the little rocks and sand stuck to my bottom of my feet, which I rub them off immediately before entering his apartment. I might not have shoes on but I still had manners and a minimum level of respect...

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