The Upper Hand

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"What the fuck is this?" DJ said. I rolled my eyes from the sound of his stupid voice.

DJ dropped a bunch of gossip magazines, printed news stories and pages from newspapers onto the table in front of me, all discussing the topic of Y/N and I.

"Your collection of tabs on me?" I laughed.

"Stop fucking around, Jisoo. You're ruining the future of the business!" he shouted angrily.

"Can you calm down? There's no proof that anything happened between Y/N and me." Even though we had sex twice but he didn't have to know that.

"That's bullshit. I know who you are, sis, don't try to lie to me."

"Oh, please! 'Know me?' You only know the trophy of a person that is Kim Jisoo, daughter of the richest man on the upper east side, sister to the future heir of one of the biggest corporations of the state. You don't know shit about who I really am."

I stood up and made a b-line for the door. I didn't know why I bothered to sit through this meeting with DJ when his intentions were as cutthroat as our mother's.

"Jisoo," he said and stopped the door from opening. "You know more than anyone how hard our mother has worked for this, how much work it takes for our father to uphold this company, and you're acting like you don't even care!"

"You call sitting in an office ignoring phone calls is hard work? Not an ounce of education combined from both of our parents and you expect me to trust their word for business advice? They got where they are because of money, power, and fear. They don't even give a shit about me!"

DJ scoffed and put a cigarette between his lips, lighting it moments after. I knew he probably did that out of stress from the fact that he started smoking after father brought him into the company.

"They don't even give a shit you, Donjoong. Don't you see it yet?" I asked.

I'll admit that my relationship with my brother wasn't stable, nor was it tolerable, but I cared for him once before and real emotion—for me—didn't disappear.

"Did Nick ever abuse you?" he asked quietly out of nowhere.


Nick had been drunk and broken things around my house but he's never ever done anything to hurt me, not even verbally.

"Did he fucking hit you?" he asked louder this time and looked me in the eyes. When I stared long enough, his eye twitched slightly.

"No! What are you talking about?"

He bit on his cigarette and rummaged through the mess of papers on the table. I've never seen Donjoong in this state, he was acting as if he was going insane.

"It's not... It's not fucking here! Where the fuck is it?" he exploded and ripped through the magazines. After giving up his search, he stood with his hands shaking from anger.

"Donjoong, do you need some water?" I offered and looked for a mini fridge or a sink.

He grabbed a hold of me with both hands, the cigarette smoke stinking my eyes as he huffed. He took a hand off my shoulder to brush the hair out of his face, revealing his bloodshot and darkened eyes, then he took the bud out of his mouth.

"If anyone ever lays on a hand on you like that, you'll tell me, alright? Promise me, you'll tell me. Alright?"

"Yeah, I promise," I said with as little fear in my voice as possible. "Are you... okay?"

Donjoong let go of me and lite another cigarette, then looked through the cabinets and took out a bottle of Dom. He left the door open and I noticed all the empty bottles of Black Label.

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