The Annoying Gala

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"Good morning, Miss Kim. Good morning, Mr. Kyoto," Melinda and the other house keepers greeted as Nick and I enter the kitchen for breakfast.

We greeted them back with warmth and began our breakfast. We always invited them to stay and eat with us but they refused due to my parents' very strict "rule book" that they must follow "at all times," especially after hearing that I had cleaned the broken glass by myself.

"Anything good from the papers?" Nick asked me as I flip through today's stack of newspapers.

My eyes widen as they landed on the front page of a New York gossip magazine with the title reading: Looks like Kim Jisoo and Nick Kyoto are Expecting more than just a Fabulous Wedding. How many weeks is she? Find out more by reading inside...

"No fucking way," I said then angrily whipped the magazine at the ground.

My fingernails were digging into my palms as fury raged inside of me. I knew my parents spread this gossip. They control all the fucking magazines and press, of course it was them. Today's gala was probably to circulate around my suspected pregnancy, which I was most certainly not pregnant with Nick's baby.

My parents always found the most annoying rumours to spread about me. The whole world probably still believes that I had a one night stand with Jay Park in Bali, or that Jungkook from BTS proposed to me, or some other ridiculous scandal about me that was also a complete lie.

Nick got up from his seat to comfort me, putting his arms around me and kissing me gently.

"What did they say about you this time?" he asked after every time I whip a magazine out of my hand.

I stood up from my chair and it screeched loudly as it dragged on the marble floor, "I've lost my appetite. Apparently, pregnant women do that," I said sarcastically.

I stomped up the stairs to do my fittings and Nick followed shortly after. The dress that my mother prepared for me was this ugly white thing and me, being petty and angry with her, decided to wear something else. I chose one of my Dior dresses with a slit at the side.

When we were all dressed up, Nick helped me down the stairs and put my heels on for me, like always.

"You look beautiful, baby," he said and kissed the back of my hand that now wore our engagement ring. "Our fake baby would agree."

"Promise me you'll hold me back if my brother tries anything with me."

"I always do," he smiled.

Nick helps me into the Cadillac and got in from the other side.

Nick's charm really did him well. It would be one of the things I that loved about him—if I loved him at all. For now, he had to be the love of my life and I had to play my part if I wanted things to go smoothly at today's gala.

Arriving at the scene, Nick and I made our way to greet some of the guests, some friends of my parents but more like business partners. We greeted about a hundred more snooty rich people and their bratty-ass kids, and I try desperately to not insult everyone back about their comments on my weight after telling them my pregnancy was all according to hearsay.

"I don't think we've met," a man's voice said from behind as he made his way to face me. "Aaron Son," he said and held out a hand for me to shake.

I accepted his hand, "Kim Jisoo."

I couldn't help but notice how he admired the full length of my dress before returning to my eyes with a hint of desire. The subtle smirk on his lips was enough to send any girl over the moon, but not this girl.

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