Chapter Eight.

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Paige's POV:

"I cannot believe you and Jon ditched Nick and I at the performance center. I had to cover for you and say that you and had probably gotten into it causing you both to leave. It was an elaborate lie really. I had to tell him that when you get frustrated with Jonathan, you like to walk alone. Do you know how stupid my lie came across? And I'm usually pretty great liar. Bruised my ego a bit knowing that I was lying terribly. Seriously, where are you?"

I looked around the parking lot even though I'm 100% sure that Renee wasn't anywhere in sight. Renee cleared her throat on the other end, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm at McDonalds with Jon. He was hungry and he practically kidnapped me. I'm even still in my ring gear. He's wild...adorable but wild. Very mean, kinda like grumpy cat. Paige, you should've seen it. This dude picks me up, throws me over his shoulder, and takes off toward his truck as if he were being chased by cops. It was crazy and he refused to let me leave the truck unless I went with him. I was literally kidnapped by Dean Ambrose."

I held the phone close to my ear and rolled my eyes, "Well I'm sure Nick would love to hear about your adventures with Jon. Look, you still owe me ice cream for babysitting his drunk ass."

"Then come get it. There's ice cream here."

"Oh I will. See you there." I hung up the phone. Bitch is gonna give me my damn ice cream because babysitting his drunk ass is not an easy task.

Have you tried babysitting a drunk lunatic?


"You standing out here all by yourself, baby girl?" Someone said from behind me.

I smiled turning around, "Yeah but I'm about to get ice cream so it's worth it."

"Mmh. How's my favorite Anti-Diva?" Roman asked then smiled.

"She's wonderful. How's my favorite Samoan Superman?"

He chuckled and ran his fingers through his long black hair, "I can't complain, darling."

I wonder what that's run my fingers through his long samoan hair and just..

What? No Paige. Stop it. You have a boyfriend.

"I want you to listen to me for a second okay? And this is just my opinion so, you don't even have to acknowledge it but you need to hear it okay?"

I nodded and he continued, "Your affair with you know who isn't going to end well. It's none of my business but baby girl, you setting yourself up for a world of hurt. You're 22 years old and you probably think you're in love but you're not. He's playing you. He has no intention of leaving his wife and his three children for you. He brags about how clueless you are and how much you'd do for him. He talks about your sex life and-"



That got my attention since I don't allow many people to call me that outside of my immediate family. He knew this, everyone did, and that's why he said it. I didn't say anything so he continued.

"You're a beautiful woman and I will be damned if I allow him to hurt you, you understand? If one tear even begins to form in your eyes, I will whoop his ass from here to China and back. Believe that." With that, Roman walked away and back inside the performance center leaving me speechless. He's never spoken to me like that before but ever since his engagement was called off, he's been very open and very talkative. And if you know Roman Reigns, you'd know that's unlikely. I shook my head and walked toward my jeep.

I opened the door and hopped in then jumped when I heard, "Why hello there sexy."

I turned around quickly and smiled throwing myself into his arms, "BABE! HI! YOU'RE BACK!"
Paige's mystery man will be revealed next chapter I promise!

Sadly, it isn't a Mr. Roman Reigns like some of you expected but, keep the guesses coming!

Also, yay! Renee Young confirmed that Dean and her are dating and honestly I'm just 😍😍😍😍😍😍

Anyway, I was in kind of a Paige kind of mood with this story so idk.

Comments are always appreciated and criticism is welcomed also ❤️

Predictions are perfect. I love seeing what you guys think will happen next.

Anyways, see you next time! :)

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