Chapter Eighteen.

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Nick's POV:

I appeared outside just as Jon dropped to one knee to propose to Renee. I stared in shock as he made his long, tiring speech and I kept glancing at Renee just to see if she was buying into this. I couldn't really tell if she was or not but I can tell that she was in just as much shock as I was. Unbelievable. Jon cringes at the word relationship but gets down on one knee to propose to her? This just proves he will stop at nothing when it comes to preventing me from having a relationship with Renee.

"Seriously, Jon? You're proposing to her?" I watched him turn around then get off his knee while glaring at me.

"If you don't mind," He got in my face. "I'm having a moment with my fiancé."

"Your fiancé? I'm sorry I don't think she said yes now did she?" I glanced at Renee.

"Well, she was gonna until you interrupted. Tell him, Renee."

"Dean," She sighed. "Dean, you're not my fiancé. I'm not accepting your proposal. My answer is no."

I watched him frown then turn back to her, "What?"

"You're only proposing to her because you know Renee and I are getting closer..."

I saw him flinch so I smiled and continued, "And closer..and closer...and-"

"You've made your fucking point!" He snapped.

"Nick, stop teasing." Renee gave me a look.

I smiled, "Oh come on, he just makes it so easy for me to do so. Fine, you know what? You want Renee? You want me to leave her alone?"

"Nick-" Renee started but Dean interrupted.

"You're damn right I do. I don't know what you're after pretty boy but trust me, I'm not gonna step aside and let you corrupt my best friend's mind."

"Trust me Jon, it's not her mind I'm corrupting if you know what I mean."

"Nick!" Renee exclaimed.

"What the hell is he talking about?" Dean glanced between us and I put my hands up innocently.

"Nothing," I cleared my throat. "Right, Renee?"

"Please," He closed his eyes. "Please tell me you did not sleep with him."

She didn't reply to that but instead took his hand pulling him close to her and away from me. Then she slowly said, "I know you don't wanna hear this but Nick is right. You're only proposing to me as a last desperate attempt to keep me away from him and honestly Jon, it's not cool. It's not cool that you're only confessing your feelings now when things are changing for me. I mean seriously Jon, why do you wanna marry me?"

I looked at him as he kinda just looked at her like she was dumb. Dean nodded, "You're right. If you don't know why I wanna marry you, I don't know why I'd wanna marry you. I don't know why I'd spend so much money on the perfect fucking ring. Money I could've used on booze by the way. I don't know why I have these fucking dreams of you but I do. Look, I'm not gonna make you choose between us anymore. You've chosen. It's not me. So, I guess I'll just see you at work around the arenas. Thank God you're not an interviewer anymore because that'd mean I'd actually have to talk to you."

"You know what!? I'm sick of this pity party you throw yourself, Jonathan! What did you expect me to do!? Accept your proposal when even the sound of the word commitment makes you cringe! Wow. If that's how you really feel, I guess there's nothing else left here between us."

"Fuck this," He mumbled then turned around ramming his shoulder into mine and started walking down the sidewalk away from us both. "Oh, oh, oh!" He exclaimed turning back around.

We both watched him go through his pockets and he pulled out two tickets holding them up, "I hope you and your boyfriend have fun front row at the Oasis reunion concert." He tossed them up in the air but then changed his mind catching them and tore them in half.

Dean laughed held his hands up innocently backing away as Renee yelled at him, "FUCK YOU!"

"You got it, baby." He replied then turned around finally walking away.

I frowned and turned to her, "Are yo-"

"Why the fuck would you tell him we slept together!?" She shoved me so hard that it threw me off guard and I stumbled back hard against the wall of the game room we were in.

I held my hands up and started to answer her but suddenly, she grabbed the collar of my shirt smashing her lips against mine.

I was confused of course, but I kissed her back without hesitation. If she wants to make out on the side of the road, who am I to complain? Besides, her lips were addictive and any opportunity I'm given to kiss them, I'm going to take advantage of.

We made out for awhile until she slowly pulled away and whispered, "Let's get out of here."

I swallowed hard breathlessly and nodded, "Yes ma'am."
Shit just got real in this chapter.

So, what'd you think?

Deanee is fighting, oh no ):

But Renee and Nick are getting heated.

I mean, if you ship that and all. I do sort of.

But not more than Dean and Renee!

Anyways, long chapter I know. This is kind of the only story I never run out of ideas for.

Which is good because I never get tired of writing it so that means it's not ending anytime soon like my other stories.

Anyway, comment and vote!

P.S: Oasis is Renee's favorite band. You know that if you watch her show on the WWE Network called Unfiltered but I felt really cool including that in this.

See ya next chapter!

Predictions are cool btw.

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