Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Renee's POV:

I pulled away from Jon's lips as soon as I heard pounding at the front door and stood up. He grabbed my wrist, "No, no. Just let them knock. Come back, I miss you."

"Jon, we've been making out all night." I laughed.

He smirked, "Oh baby, don't I know it. If only we could do more."

I watched him stand up, pull my chin up so our lips brushed against each other's, and kissed me again. I almost got carried away in kissing him back until someone pounded on the front door again, but this time it was harder. Angrier.

I pulled away, "It could Paige. I've been worried about her since she stormed out of the performance center. She was really upset about Joe...did you know he was married? And to Alicia? That's pretty crazy."

"I knew he was married. I did not know it was to the clinically insane."

I raised my eyebrows, "You of all people should not be calling anyone insane." I walked over toward the door.

"I'm adorably insane. Alicia Fox is clinically insane. Huuuuuuge difference."

I just shook my head laughing and opened the door. I was met by an angry, cold, blue eyes and a scowl that could send anyone running for the hills. I swallowed hard as Nick leaned against the door so I wouldn't close it and my smile dropped from my face. We just stood staring at one another and that's when I knew I'd fucked up. I not only fucked up, I fucked him over. I became the character in the books that I read that I hate and I'm the stupid girl who used one guy to simply get to another. I didn't even realize how easy it was but unlike the girl in the book, that was never my intention.

Or maybe it was without my knowledge?

Anyways, encountering an angry Dolph Ziggler wasn't exactly my idea of fun but I guess I asked for this. After months of the run around between Nick and Jon, my choice was pretty clear every single time I'd disappear with the drunk Jonny Good. I just, I feel bad for Nick. Nick wasn't the guy in the book that was the cruel, mean, jerk that toyed with the girl's emotions. He wasn't the obvious stupid one that abused the girl and did her harm.

Nick was realistically the sweet one who got mixed up in the wrong love triangle.

I started to say something but he didn't want to hear it as he held his hand up and said, "I just want my car keys. Then, I'll leave you two alone for good."

"Good? I heard Good, who called me?" Jon asked appearing behind me then smiled at Nick, "Heyyyyy, what's up dude? How are ya?"

"Heartbroken," Nick shot me a look then looked at Jon continuing, "I was just telling your girlfriend here that I came for my car keys considering you used my car to take him here and didn't bother to call to tell me. I had to walk but it's whatever."

"Nick," I finally spoke. "I am so, so, sorry that I didn't call. I really intended to its just I lost a track of time-"

"Damn right she did," Jon interrupted.

I shot him a look of disapproval then looked back at Nick to continue. Only this time, he interrupted.

"I'd rather not here about you two "losing track of time" together. I just came for my keys and I'll be on my way."

I sighed giving up. He was really angry and I could tell he was trying not to explode on us both but I keeping a straight face. I left the door open moving pass Jon and toward the coffee table where his keys reflected off the lamp that was on. I nearly teared up when I grabbed them. Mostly because I knew once I hand these to Nick, this will be it. I'd at least hope we'd be friends after this but I'm not going to give him the "We can still be friends" speech. I personally hate that speech myself so giving him the speech was out of the question. It just wasn't in me.

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