Chapter Nine.

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Renee's POV:

"I can't believe you made this whole production of being hungry only to take me to McDonalds. You're such a cheep date," I laughed, walking down the hall toward my room alongside Dean. We'd just gotten back from him kidnapping me from the performance center. We stayed at McDonalds really late and I'd like to say it was because we were waiting for Paige. It wasn't. We honestly just lost track of time talking about random things as always. I even forgot that I was mad at him because he's good at distracting me from it. He's good at a lot of things..

"McRib is the bomb and cheap? I bought six of them and ma'am that was not cheap."

"How would you know? I paid for it."

He smirked, "And I thank you for that."

I shoved him playfully, "The guy is suppose to pay for the food on a date and you pulled the "I left my wallet" line. That's weak dude."

"Well next time, I got you. We can go to the most expensive restaurant in whatever city we end up in and I'll pay and we'll drink wine. It'll be great."

I rolled my eyes, "You're so full of shit." I went into my pockets and pulled out the room key once we made it to my room and I could feel his eyes on me. I glanced at him, "What is it?"

"Oh nothing. I just realize I kind of stole you from your boyfriend so. Mission accomplished."

"I have a boyfriend? Is that what Nick is?"

"Isn't he?" Dean's voice got really serious when he asked that. I stopped and stared at him. Again, he had the overwhelmed and confused look on his face. I call it the "Twitter face" because of him not understanding social media and when he tries to, that's the look he gets. It's quite cute. Like a puppy.

I kissed his cheek on the Twitter face and said, "I've only been two or three dates. I wouldn't call him my boyfriend just yet. We're just hanging out."

"Which is it? Two or three? Or maybe more, have you been on more? Oh my god. You have. I-"

"You're being paranoid."

"I just," Dean sighed. "I just don't want to lose you, Renee. I'm tired of losing people in my life."

"Whoa, whoa. No matter what I'm not going anywhere and you know that. So just relax."

I stuck the key into the door, opened it, then walked in. Dean followed and I turned the light on, "OH MY GOD PAIGE! Seriously!?"

Paige quickly stood up half dressed and I covered Dean's eyes. Dean whined, "That's not fair. I wanna see. I'm the titty master."

"You will not be looking at my girlfriend's tits. That's my job."

Dean quickly moved my hand and looked at Chris, "Chris Jericho? OHHHHHH SHIITTTTTT."

"Dean," I warned but of course he kept going.

"How did I not think of you? Of course! Married! Children! God damn! I'm thinking your banging Triple HHH but no, it's CHRIS MOTHERFUCKIN JERICHO! The Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla, Vitamin C, the King of Bling-Bling, Moongoose McQueen, Jeritron 6000, Y2-"

"We get it!" Paige and I said at the same time. Chris smirked, probably because all his thousands of his nicknames feed his ego.

"Mr. Ambrose, you always find a way of entertaining me," He replied.

Dean shrugged, "I'm just really glad she's not banging Trips. That wouldn't be best for business."

Behind Castle Walls (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें