Chapter Twenty.

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Dean's POV:

I looked around when no one replied to me and I took my shades off, "What? Oh, oh, oh! Yeah I know, I'm late BUT. I got gifts for everybody, yayyyyyy!" I shook the bag I had over my shoulder then set it down on the ground. I unzipped the zipper held up a clown nose then said, "This is a clown nose."

I held out in front of me and walked up and down the rows so everyone can see. I smiled as well and said, "Now, you guys know that I'm a jokester, right? I've played several, SEVERAL pranks on each and every single one of you. Although I'm a clown, I'm afraid there is someone that's an even bigger clown than me. Not in the "ha ha" jokester way but more in the...he reminds me of one and soooo."

I stopped in front of Kane, grinned, and handed the nose to him, "I give you this. A big red nose for my big red machine. Now, I was going to give you some toothpaste but the nose was cheaper." Everyone busted out in laughter as Kane growled at me snatching the nose out of my hand, "Give me one reason why I shouldn't choke slam you right now!"

I moved on to the front where Colby was sitting and grinned evilly. He shifted uncomfortably and spat, "What do you want you drunk psychopath?"

"A present for you, champ. I know how much you love presents. So, I got you something because I never really congratulated you on becoming WWE champion. So, here you go." I went into the bag then handed him the framed portrait I'd gotten for him.

I watched him stand up in anger, "You think you're funny!? I get it! Alright!? This is a private photo that wasn't mean to get out like this!"

"You didn't want a framed photo of your penis?"

"You're fucking dead!"

"I take that as a no. Why? If someone gave me a framed photo of my penis, I'd very, VERY grateful."

I took a step back as Colby lunged toward me and Nick stood up grabbing Colby before he could reach me. A bunch of the guys came between us as I blinked and watch Colby go berserk cursing me out, calling me a filthy cunt, etcetera.

"That's enough! Renee, take Jon home," Stephanie ordered.

She frowned, "But why me?"

"Are you questioning Authority? Go or you're suspended from live events."

Renee sighed, stood up, and took my hand dragging me out of the performance center. I smiled lazily as she drug me across the parking lot just like old times.

"I got you a present too," I said.

"I really don't want a framed picture of yours or Colby's dick. Nope, no thank you." She opened the passenger door, shoved me into this silver Dodge Charger that I couldn't recognize, and started putting my seatbelt on for me. My Renee always takes care of me.

My Renee...

"Hey, I'm serious. I got you something. Look in my bag. I promise it isn't a framed nude photo."

She sighed, "Jon, I don't have time for-"

"I'll get it," I grabbed the bag that I put in front of me and started digging through it until I found what I was looking for.

I stopped and looked at her, "I'm sorry for what I said. I shouldn't have proposed to you out of jealousy of your relationship with Nick. As usual, you were right. I'm kind of an idiot but this idiot," I held out this plush toy heart that I bought specifically for her and continued, "This idiot gives you his heart."

Tears swelled up in her eyes as she took it, "Aw Jon, I've missed you so much!" She quickly wrapped her arms around me and started crying into my shirt. Good thing I was too drunk to care.

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