Chapter Eleven.

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Renee's POV:

"Are you excited for your tag team match with AJ against the Bellas?"

I glanced toward Paige as she threw punches into the air. Tonight is Wrestlemania 31 and every WWE employee was running around like a chicken with their heads cut off. This is like Christmas when it comes to WWE including last minute shopping, making sure the equipment is running properly, the fans have proper seating, the interviewers (that'd still be me for now) know when it's their cue. If even the slightest little detail is out of place, the whole place could explode. Not literally but figuratively. Although there have been theories that it just might be true.

Thank God no ones ever tested that theory while I'm in the building.

"Absolutely," She replied. "Those Bella bitches are finally gonna get what's coming to them. I've been fighting them way to long now and this ends tonight on the grandest stage of them all."

"Are you and AJ going to be able to work together?"

Paige turned around and I tossed her leather jacket toward her. She caught it quickly, "Look at you. Once an interviewer, always an interviewer. You're getting it with these hard hitting exclusive questions, Renee."

"Well for now, I am still an interviewer. I'm just in training. I'm nowhere close to being ready."

"Are you kidding me? You're more than ready. You're a quick learner. Fast pace, hard hitting, a risk taker. You're almost as good as me."

"Almost?" I smiled.

Paige nodded, "Almost. Let's not get carried away. You are still in training."

I started to say something else when we heard a loud buzzing noise near Paige's bag.

She sprinted over to it and grabbed her phone. She looked down at it and a huge smile spread across her face. It didn't take a genius to know who that was.

"Prince Charming?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up, "Chris just sent me a good luck text and a picture of him in his "Think Again" beanie. Awwwww! He's so cute Renee!"

I'm not one to rain on love's parade. Believe me, I'm all about true love. The kind that embraces your heart and you never wanna let go of. The kind that consumes your entire body and has you doing weird, irrational things for it. The sweet kind that authors like John Green and Nicholas Sparks love writing about because love, love is a beautiful topic for conversation. It's meant to be giddy and girly about because it's breathtaking. With Paige however, I'm afraid her love story is one sided.

Or maybe it isn't. Chris seems genuine and it seems like he loves her. That or he's really good at faking it. I'm just unsure about Chris. Whether he's playing her or not, he's still married. He's still a father to not one, not two, but three children. Three children he needs to consider before further ruining his marriage.

And even if Chris genuinely loves Paige and plans on leaving his wife for her, where does that leave a certain Samoan Superman? Roman is the type of guy where if he's committed to something, he's committed to it only. I feel like, in some crazy world, that Roman would be perfect for Paige. I can't explain, I just feel that way.

But if it's Chris she wants, it's Chris who's she going to hold onto.

"Can we talk about Chris for a second?" I asked.

She kept her smile and put on her jacket, "Sure, what's up?"

"Well, and I know this is none of my business, but do you really believe that Chris will leave his wife?"

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