Chapter 15

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For the rest of the time Dean and Chase walked next to me on this very unusual path in the Dark Forest.

"Ok we are here. Now let's camp." Dylan said.

"Hey Dylan. Remember how you over threw me?" Dean yelled. "Well I want my spot back!"

"Ok. I'm going to win though." Dylan laughed histarically. Then Dylan saw me walk up to Dean with my claws out and my eyes glowing.

"What are you doing?" Dylan asked.

"Who me? Oh just giving Dean my power so it's a fair fight." I said then I stuck my claws in the back of Dean's neck.

"AH!" Dean screamed. His eyes glowed gold, then red, then violet.

"What? How?" Dylan was supprized. Just then I collapsed from giving Dean all my power.

"Elena!" Dean and Chase yelled.

"Dean go. I've got her." Chase yelled. So then Dean went to face Dylan. Dean's eyes were still violet witch threw Dylan off.

"How are your eyes purple?" Dylan asked.

"Elena gave me all her power. Now I have the Lupus Morado!"

"Let's fight then." Dylan looked super confident even though Dean had all my power. I was awake now, but extremely weak.

"You can do it Dean!" I yelled as loud as I could.

"Oh thank God you are ok!" I could tell he was relived. Dylan took the first hit by punching Dean in the chest. It didn't even phase him. I laughed at Dylan's reaction. It was a mix of supprized and pure terror. I heard snickers from the other werewolves.

"Thats not a fair fight though." Dylan wined.

"Well when I was second you fought me when I was weak and tierd from fending off the Omega's and you challanged me anyways. That was not a fair fight at all." Dean exclaimed.

"I'm sorry ok. I never liked being second anyways. Take it." Dylan went over and put his claws where I did. I felt my powers slowly returning.

"Hey Elena can you set a fire? It's kinda cold." Dean asked.

"Ya sure gather up some firewood." When they gathered a pile big enough for a bondfire I treid to set it, but it wasn't working.

"Elena your powers!" Chase exclaimed. I started having a pannick attack then Chase helped me calm down.

"Elena maybe its because your dhifting! Remember your body changes!" Chase reminded me. "Don't pannick it makes matters worse."

"Ok... Ok I'm calm." I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself down so I didn't freak out the pack even more.

"Ok guys let's get some sleep and start again in the morning." Dean said. I was on first watch with Dylan.

"Were you serious. You didn't like being Chris' second?" I asked.

"Oh. I loved it. All that power and control. Dean was on of my best friends and I was so crazy with the idea of all that power that I ruined that. I want us to be friends again." He said with a sigh.

"Wow I'm sorry. Can I do anything to help you guys?" I asked. I felt like crying because it reminded me of the last thing I said to my parents before they left. I said "I hate you. I wish you would just dissapear." and it ended up happening. Dylan saw that I was biting my lip and looking awayh from him so he asked if I was ok.

"No, it reminded me of the last thing I said to my parents 'I hate you and wish you would dissapear.' and it ended comming true." Then the tears came. Dylan gave me a hug to comfort me.

"Hey they are fine remember. We... will...find them! I promice." He treid to comfort me. It was supprizingly working. "How are you and Chase doing?" He asked remembering that I have a boyfriend.

"Oh, I don't know anymore we just hang out now. We are acting like best friends not lovers" I told him.

"Then break up with him. Dean likes you and is the most loyal guy I know." I could tell he was trying to help.

"Then what? I need his power remember. If I want to be at peak performance I need a guy to take power from."

"Use him. I promise he would let you. He talks about you all the time. I don't want him to get hurt or see him upset. He is like my younger brother. Please do it for me. I want him to be happy. Dean loves you I promise.

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