My Other Side.

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March, 05 2015.

They say there's two sides to every girl... this is my other side.

Lately I've been locking myself up in my room with sad music and letting my thoughts drown me. I know, pathetic. I feel as though people don't quite understand what its like being a teenager with arthritis in these days, I'm constanly being told that so and so has arthritis but what people don't understand is even though so and so has arthritis they have it because they're older, Juvenile arthritis is different trust me I know (clearly).

When people tell me how it's not the end of the world I get it, I really do, I know I'm not dieing of cancer and I know that it's not the end of the world but I also know that when you text your friend in attempt to explain why you were not answering them for weeks and instead of saying "Sorry I've been ignoring you, I was just hiding in my room and crying because I have arthritis." you say "So, turns out I have arthritis" and they reply "Oldness. Lol jk" then poof! It's not the same between you and them anymore (even with your attempts at trying not to talk about it, something I have to do or... well let's not go into that).

I'm sure you heard the saying "Looks can be deciveing."  Well, that saying works with teenagers with arthritis. You could see us in a store and never know that even though we look like a teenager and are walking, talking, even texting like a teenager but trust me, we did not wake up like a teenager. I wake up stiff and achy, sometimes in pain depending on weather and no matter how tired I am some nights, sleep won't come because of the pain in my joints.


Oh the life of teens with arthritis *sighs*

Okay, so I'll be honest (since I'm pretty sure no one reads this, if you do lemme know? Pweeeeaaasssee? *puppy dog eyes* xD)  I haven't updated out of pure laziness, and school (ugh!) and also I've been busy with my new tumblr about arthritis too (its called JIA Teen if anyone wanted to know, haha).

p.s. New update should be coming for The Ultimate Girl's Guide.

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