The Beginning.

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Oct 30, 2014.
...this pain... is just... indescribable.

Let me tell you a story about a girl who discovered she was weaker mentally, and stronger phsyically then she thought, and boy has she been thorough a lot.

One day, a young girl woke up and found that her right ankle and left knee hurt, she then told her mom, who took her to the doctors office three days after her discovery.

X-rays later, her mother took her to the ER since her regular doctor couldn't figure out the mystery she had become.

That doctor was a little wiser, and gave her a steroid that was supposed to reduce inflammation and pain.

It only worked for a week, then she was back to where they had started.

Her regular doctor soon ordered her to go to physical therapy, serval sessions later the phsyical therapist gave her mother and her some bad news.

The physical therapy wasn't working.

He told them that he thought she needed to go to a specialist and there they drew fluid from her swollen knee and sent her on her way saying the results would be back soon.

A week passed and finally they called, and her biggest fear came true.

She had arthritis.

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